How long i need for install Patricks Ring/Pinion? I think about next weekend to install but i don't know it's time enough. Volker
Patrick's Rear End Gears Install Depending on your skill level and set up equipment you should be able to get it done easily in two days time depoending on how much preparation you have to do. If the rear end is already removed or if you are going to do it while it's installed. I don't think I would try it with the reaer end installed as setting the clearances can be difficult. Maybe some of the other guys n the forum will chime in a nd give yo a better plan of attack and time line.
Patricks Ring/Pinion Volker I dont know how your working conditions are? Easyer to work when you get underneeth the truck in a grave? But removing the rearend is the easyest part. I advice you not to rush in any way,take the time you need and follow Patricks instuction booklet in details. Putting the new crownwheel/pignion ect. back in its place again is easy but to calibrate the distance is a car workshop job. An old friend og mine helped me and showed me how to do it.He uses blue chalk or blue paper to get the right distances between the parts. Checkout the sidegears and the spidergears to, mostly they are wornout or have some damages? I changed out the drive shaft bushing and seal , and the u-joint at the same time. That makes everything nice and tidy. good luck Martinius.
patricks rearend volker i also am going to instal pats rearend I heard it takes a day or two i have a couple of friends that are handy one is a retired engineer and the other a mechanic and me a maniac. So between us we will sucseed I still need the seals and bearing kit from pats cant afford them yet but i have the new ring and pinnion Good luck.
axle my advice is wait till you can get the bearing kit, you will need it, it will be hard to set up pinion with worn bearings etc
Your Art Deco Truck Volker, Before you tear your rear end apart, you should make sure you have all of the parts you need. I think the 41-46 1/2 T Chevy trucks have ring and pinion carriages that are interchangable with 1954 AD 390:1 gears. You may have to have a donor ring gear carriage from a 47-53 AD truck like the '54 needs to use patrick's 355:1 ring and pinion. My '54 390:1 gears are running around the county in a 1942 Chevy very similar to yours. You may want to check before you tear down your truck and expect to be back on the road in 2 days. There are several old mechanics here who can clear this up. I am no mechanic, I just like old trucks. Patrick helped me figure this out for an additional $150 bucks after I purchased the ring and pinion. Nice folks, but this was a bit annoying because it was a hidden cost. I really enjoy my 355 gears. Jim
thanks I will do it with a mechanic because i have heard the calibration from the gears are very difficult I ordered the gears and addintional bearing set from Patricks.OK, it will be a hard working weekend and come back with my new drive experience Monday or later
I put in patrick's rearend with not too much trouble. I love the highway speed with low RPM's. It is very tedious work! Best left to a professional. Be sure to replace all the seals and gaskets. I also put in Pat's Saginaw adaptor kit for a synchronized 4 speed. Beware!! The machineing is off, and it chews up your speedo gears. They are helpful, and are replacing the speedo gear for no charge. I am worried that all these metal fragments are going to eat up my bearings. If the replacement speedo gear does not work then we will see how helpful Patrick will be about refunding my transmission rebuild and all the trouble I went through to put in the Saginaw tranny! Flashlight
news the rear end is gone out of truck It' was very easy but not finished. I think i will start my first test drive tomorrow. questions: The brass bushing in the front of tube doesn't fit. Have to reaming? the hole for my speedo cable in the gear case is round, the speedo cable rectangular. Is there an adaptor or i'm too stupid to put in a rectangle in a round hole. which oil/grease i have to put in the u-joint ball in front of the tube Volker
The 'brass bushing ' (Oakie Bushing) fit before and you don't touch it in this upgrade so what's going on ? . Speedo didn't work before either ? . Some speedo drive gears have a round end with key way . The U-joint is filled with regular EP Gear oil , same as the gearbox and remains wet from pass through lube out of the tranny . When assembled , GM injected gear oil through the Zerk fitting some still have on the top of the cavity , ignore that . NO GREASE ! .
Thanks Nate Speedo didn't work since i bougth the truck. Theréfore i thougth i loose an adaptor. How can i make it fit? All Speedo cables are rectangular. OK, i let the Oakie Bushing inside. Why is it in the set from Patricks? and thanks for information about U-joint. It was full of grease (black grease) Volker
Different Bushings Gruss Gott Volker, I also had problems with the brass bushing on the front end of the tube, There might be two things going on...your truck looks to be a 46', Patrick sent me a bushing that was the wrong size and it slipped right through, they sent another and it fit nice and tight. Measure the dimensions and call them you may need the other size. The other possibility is that when I tried to put the output spline of the tranny on to the tube I beat up the brass a bit and it wouldn't go in. Perhaps a bit too much Mondo force. My neighbor from another hollar came over and used his pocket knife to trim the excess brass and it slid right in. I am still feeling pretty dumb about it. You shouldn't need this bushing now unless you are considering the Saginaw transmission , or you were leaking up there. If you are considering the saginaw transmission your torque tube is too long, you will need a 48' or newer rearend. Been there, done that! Wiederhoren, Flashlight
The Oakie bushing is a snug fit into the Torque Tube and should be hammered in using a block of hardwood , NEVER hit directly with anything metallic ! . You got a new one because the rear yoke is usually loose in it from wear and it's very important to have a snug , non wobbly fit . I like to freeze the new bushings then they'll go right in with a few hammer blows , I often splinter a couple pieces of wood though . A big truck shop should be able to make you up a new speedo cable from looking at the length of the old one and the speedo drive gear from the tranny , it uscrews easily if you have the right size socket . Or , maybe you could find another , good used drive gear with the square hole in it ? .
Hey Flashlight, Do you have a magnet you can attach to the drain plug to catch the metal shavings? Gater
Magnets Just get a round Rare Earth magnet from the war suplus place or school supplies plac , the one that sells scientific stuff to grade schoolers , drop that into the banjo and forget about it . The tranny takes a 1/2" NPT magnetic drain plug , I got mine OnLine , shold be cheaper places like Dorman or Grainger , McMaster-Carr , etc. .
finish It's done but the first drive will be on Thursday. Before i can drive i have to rebuild my speedo output. The only thing what not fit was the Oakie bushing. It was a little bit too long but i have a saw and now all fit's perfect and turns very smooth. If i rebuilded my speedo i will drive to the highway and pass all newer cars with a lot of blue smoke from my rear wheels. I hope i can brake my truck
Saginaw adaptor kit Hey Flashlight 3 on the colom is not easy to use if your not used to the double clutching , i am not.Therefore I`d just bought the Saginaw 4 speed with the wide gear, 2 grooves on the inputshaft 3.11. Its an standard synchronized tranny. What contains the Patrick`s adapter kit excactly? His booklet pictures are difficult to understand. You mentioned the speedogear ?I understand that Patrick`s changes out the standard to a new one? Be kind to explain me more about this issue. Thanks Martinius
a great ride It's perfect, with 3.000 RPM i drove 55 mph, very smooth and only a little bit noisy. I think it's the great decision to use Patricks Ring/Pinion. Now to the next step, the new engine (235cui) and a hidden power steering but till the next winter i will drive. Volker
I was in Advanced Auto today and they have several 1/2" magnetized plugs on a rack. For less then $4. I just need to eyeball mine real good and get a similar style head. Thanks for the advice! Flashlight
I love the saginaw tranny! It is true what he says about the smoothness of the motor torque to the shifting loss of power. The synchro gears are very modern feeling compared to the old. The main drive shaft is re-machined and is shorter then the original. He then has a re-casted tailpiece that will fit your torque tube rear end. I had mine done in a shop. While we changed the shaft and tailpiece we rebuilt the tranny. My speedo only worked for 7/10 of a mile. I removed the speedo gear and it was chewed up by the tranny. They say they will send a new one, but I am worried that the casting and machineing is not right. I will try the new replacement speedo gear. But all these metal fragments are in my new rebuilt tranny. I'm worried! Where do you find chevy parts in Norway?