The 50 rear brake drums measures ,inner diameter of the drum is 11 inches. Where the brake shoe actually rides in the brake drum is 2 1/8 inchses. The width of the brake pad is 1 ¾ inch. (Huck brakes) The 51 rear brake drums mesuares,The inner diameter of the drum is 11 inches. Where the brake shoe actually rides in the brake drum is 2 3/8 inchses. Not shore of the brake pad width? (newer type). Is it possable to innstall a 51 rear drum on 50 truck ? Martinius
Martinius, In order to do this, and I am assuming that you plan to upgrade the brakes from Huck to Bendix, you will need to get '51-54 backing plates. In order to install the backing plates, you'll have to pull the axles.
Hey, Ken No i am not planning to do so ,because everything inside is allready new except from the old 50drums. They are allmost warn out and i am looking for other ones in good condition. But maybe its possable to use the 51 drums on the 50 Huck brakes as i thought the only difference is the part where the brake shoe actually rides in the brake drum , 50 drum = 2 1/8 inchses and the 51 drum mesuares 2 3/8 inchses. The bolt circle and the other mesuarements are the same i think? Is that correct? Martinius.
1950 Rear Brake Drums Martinius, 1951 front or rear Bendix brake drums will not fit a 1950 with front or rear Huck brakes. The drums are different. Classic parts does not list new rear drums for sale. But you can find new rear drums here.
Brake drums 50 model Thank you fore your contribution Keystoner Made a phonecall to Carrie at Clasic Parts Of America and she could offer me the rear drums for the exclusive price of 72 dollars each.Aint that great? Martinius