cash for clunkers

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Volker, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    I read today about the cash for clunkers program in the US. We have in Germany these system since start of this year. Could i buy the old trucks now cheaper ?:D
  2. mikesters1950

    mikesters1950 Member

    May 7, 2003
    Roseville USA
    Good luck on that one. In the US, these trucks are smog exempt, and can pretty much run any engine combo desired. A lot of states don't even require the simplest safety inspection. The only real deals I have seen, are if you can find one sitting in an old barn, that the owners don't know the value, or don't care as long as it goes to a good home. Some of these truck sellers think they are made from gold judging by the prices.....Mike
  3. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    But first a beer!

    Wie geht's Volker, haben sie gelesen meine private brief?

    I have just bought a 1953, 5 window for half price. Not because of the Cash for Clunker program. But, The economy is so bad and no one has work many people are selling their un-needed items or things they can no longer afford.

    If you check Ebay you will see many trucks restored that are being sold for much less money then they have invested in them. It is sad, I wish I could buy more of them...but then I would be broke too!

    In Germany the government will order your car shredded (verschrotten)when it gets a bit too rusty and unsightly at the annual inspection. I cruised Europe in a BMW 723 for years the inspector told me next year this car "Ist Verschrotten! Good thing I was being shipped back home the following year.

  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    B.s. !

    When they give you $ for your old vehicle , it is tagged for TOTAL DESTRUCTION ! :eek:

    NO parts may be salvaged or re-sold , not even to rebuilders as cores nor can SMOG parts be re-claimed .

    This entire program is a sneaky way our vehicle manufacturers are trying to force you to buy new vehicles , hiding behind the Gov't. :mad:

    As if poor working class folks barely able to pay the rent and feed the kids could afford a new car :(

    A few years back , New Jersey made it illegal to re-sell big block V-8 engines ,
    this instantly dried up the # 1 source (back then) of Hot Rodders engines : old Motor Homes with low miles mostly have BIG honking V-8's .

    This entire thing is UN American to the highest degree .
  5. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    You may have something there, Nate. Since now the government, through the UAW, owns the auto industry. Looks like more than just a conspiracy theory.
  6. willardgreen

    willardgreen Member

    Dec 17, 2007
    The USA is "on the highway to hell". When the republicans were in charge they voided their "contract with America" and got kicked out. Now the dims are in charge and are ashamed of the USA so they will give it away. We need a 3rd party desperately.
  7. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    germanys kind of car destruction

    Obama meets our Big Boss (Mrs. Merkel) last week in Germany and i think they talked about that

    Nate: in germany we get a bonus for our old car if it's older than 9 years. Important is the destruction of the frame/body. The junk yards make a good business with the parts. Thats what we have in germany. Because the junk yards full of parts i have the idea to use a Toyota Power steering in my old truck. The idea to buy a cheap old truck/car in the US comes from the new message but i don't think that i can buy an collector car for small money. Hmm i will see in September and will hold wide open my eyes if i drive through Maine.

    Flashlight: i read your private message. a perfect german the same as you born here:D Have you got my question about the Hardrock Cafe. I'm so stupid. I was in Nashville and Gainsboro and forgot to buy my gift. Now i need your help.:D
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  8. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    safety inspection

    Steve: right, we have a hard safety inspection in germany. we must go every 2 years to the inspection. without this we can't drive on the street. a marker on the plate shows the exp. month. this inspection check all brakes, steering, oil leaks, axle, smog and rust holes and - hey we are in germany - we have for all things a form to fill out:D
    if i have too many failures on my car i can go to my mechanic and repair that for a lot of money. For that reason we have a good car industry:D

    ... or i know what loves my inspector and send a gift to him.:eek:
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Oldies In Maine

    Good luck hunting ! when I were a laddie there , the 10 year oldies were rusted to junk , gaping holes in the floors & frame too , the farm trucks were used were patently UNSAFE :eek:

    Oops .
  10. BIG CHEVY 3600

    BIG CHEVY 3600 Member

    Jan 17, 2008
    A third party would guarantee the Dems stay in office.

    Re. Junk auto swap: I understand they will give you 4,000 for your old clunker. Why not buy up junkers for 500.00 or so and then offer it to people buying new cars for 2,000. They will get 2K for it and you will make a profit.
  11. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    That is right.
    What I fear, with the socialism that has devoured us, is that they will come to us and say, "That piece of junk truck you have is expelling CO2 into the air. Give it up now."
    I reckon that is when my second amendment rights will be tested.
  12. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    Since George wrapped us around a huge old oak tree driving down the road with his eyes shut, for some reason Americans wanted someone else to give saving this country a whack. Even a BLACK man!:rolleyes:
    Anyone on this site who hasn't given a modern, computerized implant a ghost of a thought will prolly end up setting inside their cabs making driving sounds like I have this last year.
    You're right, G~ I see that happening also. I just hope I get mine back together in time to fill it up with "gas" before that's gone.:(
    Like it or not, it's what we have to deal with.
  13. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    I can't help but say, his color has absolutely nothing to do with it. I think we, as a country, were over that. The dems have continued to play that card to keep it stirred to their benefit. The people of the US were obviously caught up in celebrity, not intelligence. If you take this guys teleprompter away he makes W sound like the greatest orator ever.

    Tying this back to our first love, our trucks. I purposely said CO2 when I know our trucks spew CO. The thing is, CO2 is given off by us and absorbed by plants as God intended. Now the idiots in DC want to regulate it too! How long will it be in this nanny state that we find ourselves in before the government decides to regulate the use of internal combustion engines that are not heavy laden with performance robbing scrubbers? Before these clowns are done our trucks will be gutted like the ones that Old Navy had in their stores.

    PS. I am afraid you lost me on the computerized implant. I can usually keep up with your banter (which kinda scares me) but I got lost on this one.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  14. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    It amazing the lies that are told about "global warming". I am a mechanical engineer by trade and work in the power industry. And its amazing the governments... Al Gore... that have bought into CO2 and global warming. Look up some facts on google about CO2. CO2% in atmosphere now is around 3ppm. that is about .03% and that is what they are trying to control????? Water vapor in the atmosphere accounts for 95% of the greenhouse gas effect.
    Also a fundamental truth is that as temperature goes up CO2 goes up... Not CO2 goes up then Temp. If it were both its a run away effect. I can't remember the data, but the largest % of CO2 comes from the oceans. As the global climate warms up the more CO2 "boils" or comes out of the oceans.

    Above all things God is in control!!!! I don't believe there is anything we as humans can do to alter His perfect way.
    Some links.
  15. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Washington is like a toilet, it needs to be flushed frequently and for the same reasons.
  16. willardgreen

    willardgreen Member

    Dec 17, 2007
    Right to drive ADs

    They are going to test our rights to AMMO. AMMO aint in the bill of rights.

    Really though be sure to get the Antique License Plate and Join a local car club. The states are getting involved in personal rights. I am sure your state rep or congressman likes old cars. Get some kind of old car insurance like Haggerties. These 4 items will prove to be as good as the NRA. These old trucks with good chrome and shinny paint will hurt your eyes in bright sun. If we are not disturbing the peace the only thing we have to fear is police stopping us for a second good look. One benefit of our truck is every cop in town knows who it is and it cant be mistaken for something else.
  17. willardgreen

    willardgreen Member

    Dec 17, 2007
    Liquified Natural Gas

    These old trucks run just as well on Natural Gas and are of reasonable price to convert.
  18. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thanx !

    And ;

    if you really care and are not just venting , go look up ' SEMA ' and sign up for the OnLine newsletter as it's chock full of automobile related information , mostly laws new and old being changed , modified etcetera and whom and where to write when you feel like making public comment for or against upcoming legislation .

    Many new laws are being enacted that make registering a home built easier....
    regardless of how you powered it , as the year model it most closely resmbles , even when tube frames and fibreglas fenders etc. are used .

    I have mixed thoughts about this .

    I personally think ca$h for klunkers is un-American crap .

    it's _not_ any ' conspiracy ' as the manufacturers are doing this (lobbying for it) out in the open ~ it's just good business in thier view , not in mine .

    Now , if you don't mind , I'll go climb into my 1949 Chevrolet shop truck ;

    R. Rrrrrr.... put put put, whirrrrrrr cough , sputter , griiinnd . clank , wheeze putter etc. , etc. :D
  20. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Truck noises!

    Cool beans!:cool:

    Get rid of the "cough, sputter, clank, and wheeze" and you got what it sounds like when I'm setting in my cab making driving sounds!;)

    'Corse, with my l=o=n=g motor, it's more like, "RrrRrrRrrVrooom,DdddddDDddddDdddDDddddDddddDDdddDDdddDDddVrooomDddd...":D

    Can'tcha just hear that 228 purr?:D

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