
Discussion in '1947-1954' started by miltonhansen, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. miltonhansen

    miltonhansen Member

    Nov 13, 2007
    I am working on a 50 PU. I have seen a few diffrenent Carbs being used. I am running A 54 235. Would like to know what carbs (other then stock) are available and if there are any with electric chokes. Thanks
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    Yes ;

    You want a Carter YF series for a 1959 235 equipped Chevrolet with automatic transmission .

    It's the very best there is , well worth the $ .

    To make the auto choke work , you'll need to locate and install a " Choke Stove " , look in the archives for exhaustive posts on all this .
  3. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    Nate, I bought a fenton dual carb setup for my 235, I got the linkage kit and all. Do you still like Carters for a dual set-up? I have a rochester and carter for cores. I want to keep the manual choke setup if I can.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Multi Carbies

    yes I do .

    Dollar for dollar , you'll get better performance as well as improved throttle response and higher fuel economy out of a Carter YF series carby , even in dual applications

    However , being a simple farm mechanic , I still run an old clapped out Rochester leaks-a-lot series 'B' on my 49's 235.... :rolleyes:

    in general , you pays your monies and takes your choice .

    were old 235 powered Chevies still filling the Pick-A-Part yards of Los Angeles , I'da prolly grabbed a good $5.00 Carter YF by now and been well pleased with it .
  5. miltonhansen

    miltonhansen Member

    Nov 13, 2007
    Thanks for help! What is the best resource for purchasing one? Took a at a few sites seems like one can get rebuild kits.
  6. mikesters1950

    mikesters1950 Member

    May 7, 2003
    Roseville USA
    Nate, I am also looking at installing a dual carb setup. I have seen Rochesters (Patricks), CarterYFs (JCarter), and Carter/Webber 2BBL (Langdon). I Believe our host has stock carbs as well. There are Offy, and Fenton manifolds too. I am going to use the Wayne aluminum covers. Anybody know which is the better, or easier setup? I have seen good feedback on all setups, but which would be the cheaper, or easier way to go? I really only want to do this once...........Mike.

    P.S. Will also need a setup that has air filters that fit.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Dual Carbies

    I *think* it is the Offenhauser intake manifold that retains the ability to hold an oil filter , of course you don't want to delete that ! .

    The main thing is to have two matched carbies , IIRC Tom Langdon sells matched pairs of Rochester 'B's or you can get two random one from your junk box and he'll massage them .

    Carter YF's of course , are built to a higher initial standard so you merely need buy the correct ones for a 235 and take 'em apart for cleaning and adjusting , make 100 % certain they both have the same float height and metering rod adjustment and they'll be good to go .

    I prefer the oil bath typ of air cleaner but many like the look of the smaller ry air maize typ of standard filter , these are always popular but don't get sucked into beliveing they're " ! RARE ! " or worth more than say $50.00 for a N.O.S. or Concours restored one , I use the $5.00 ones and sometime clean and re-paint them , usually just careful cleaning and a new re-pop decl and they're ready to go , from trash to treasure .

    Some places sell nice chrome or stainless steel fuel piping for Carter dual float bowl four barrel carbies , cut the fittings off the ends and they look terrific on your vintage dual single barrel carbies .

    of course , you'll be wanting to add two glas bowl fuel filters , one for weach carby right at it's inlet , re-pop glass bowl filters work fine , AC , WIX & NAPA all make micronic paper elements for them .

    You'll need a good ear or an air flow meter to properly adjust the carbies so they work in tandem and are not fighting each other , evidenced by popping

    I hope this helps ? .

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