Having 2 ADs in the car hole..... I just got the 53 home last night, now the final assembly can begin.
Nice trucks. Is the stock truck open driveline 3 speed transmission 3 on the tree ??? If so do you have any pictures of the linkage on the trans. I am having a hard time finding shift levers. For my open drive trans and linkage set up thanks robert
That works for me! Russ, that IS a dream come true! If only they were Gs... I keep thinking of when my home for AD will be done and I can see a similar site! Good on yah! Thanks for the photos!
I'll try to post pic.s of the linkage tomorrow night. It is closed shft, but I would imagine that the linkage is the same.
Here's what it looks like... Robert - There is a great diagram on page 7-2 of the Shop Manual. This site doesn't seem to kike pdf files, so you'll have to look it up.