I'm assembling the e brake pedal assy and need some help! I do have the assembly manual but some of the parts listed are not available from our sponsor. I have ordered the seals listed for the round brake release arm that goes through the firewall but I don't see how that will seal. Please explain, or show pic of assembled parts. Also, I noticed a spring on the floor board that helps release the brake. I don't have that spring, please describe it since I can't order it. I sure would appreciate some help. I'm finally starting the final assembly and will no doubt have more questions, so please be patient with me. Thanks Jesse
Foot operated or hand operated? Inquiring minds want to know! If foot operated, these guys walked me through my issues. Let us know!
Jim Carter has a spring that keeps the petal down. The brake realease lets the spring unlock the petal. Without the spring the E brake works only when mashed down, which is no good here in hill country. It was rectangular & not expensive. http://www.oldchevytrucks.biz/47_55/full.asp?page=87
That helped, I've got it figured out now. I ordered the parts I needed and will finish when I get the parts. Thanks