Hi. While adjusting the clutch linkage I noticed a stub on the bellhousing that seems to call-out for something. I cant remember if that stub is there for a reason - is there a spring that hooks? a pin that clips? or anything else that connects to this stub? I recently pulled out the engine and had it rebuilt. Im now in the process of putting things back together and cant seem to remember if there was anything connected to this particular stub. anyone out there have suggestions? Pictures that might confirm the use of this stub? By the way, the stub is located on the driver side of the bellhousing, above the clutch link.
The stud you are looking at is for linkage pivot for a column shift transmission .......It just transfers motion from the column to one of the shift levers on the trans.....I just went thru this ordeal trying to figure where it connected......but I replaced the 3 speed for a four speed floor shift so I was really baffled........there is a special washer , spring and a funky retaining clip that completes the assembly
ah.. that makes sense. I have a 4/floor tran - so it sounds like I dont need to worry about it. Thanks - wanted to make sure I didnt end up with "extra parts".