i cant find a new 75-76 grille. all i can find is a 77-78 grille and you have to do some cutting. i want to restore this truck and try to keep it as orginal as possible thanks.
I guessing that your tlking about A Chev not a GMC let see you grill. take a pic of it. then we can make sure try to get what you want.
Sorry, it is a chevy. The original grille has been busted and was trashed. I will see if I can dig up a pic. I have a billet grill for now but everyone in town is running one.
I have two but not sure on condition, will look. I looked and neither are in very good condition. Although, one or both are chrome option grilles that I would be willing to sell the Bowtie and stainless strips off.
There is some thing you might like not much time. Here is a link http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310192162566&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:CA:1123 good luck