disc brakes

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by jake-up, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. jake-up

    jake-up Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    Hi! New guy here. I have a 48 chevy 3/4 ton, 8 lug. I would like to change just the brakes to disc. What is the best way to do it? I found kits for the front, but not sure about the rear brakes.
  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Welcome Jake.

    Kits for the front of a 3/4 ton (8 lug) are pretty rare. Where did you find them?
  3. jake-up

    jake-up Member

    Jul 15, 2009

    Hi Bill, I might have misled you and myself. I assumed that the 5 lug disc brake kit replaced the 8 lug, converting it to 5 lug. To tell you the truth I'm not sure the kit was for 3/4 ton. The website I found it on was Brake Tech Solutions.com under 1941-1954 Chevy Truck Disc Brake Kit. It was also under
    Classic Performance Products.com. This is my first restoration job, Bill. Maybe I'll just repair the old brakes with replacement parts. Thanks. Or any ideas let me know.
  4. drummin52

    drummin52 Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Wapwallopen, Pa
    To my knowledge there are no manufactures making a disc brake kit for our 3/4 ton trucks only for the 1/2 ton which gives them the option of 5 lug or 6. 5 lug completely replaces everything on the spindle and 70-77 gm full size car rotors and calipers (most list that they are from a camaro). The 6 lug kit uses the stock hub and most suggest you replace the stock bearings with new roller bearings. Not sure on what the rotors and calipers come from.

    If your not going to be using your truck as a truck, or at least not to the full payload that its made for, there is another option for you. And if your switching the rear out this will help match up the lug patterns. The other option, which is what I also did to my 52 3/4 ton is to swap out the 3/4 ton front axle for a 1/2 ton front axle. This swap was so simple, if it had not been for having to cut the u bolts off and waiting for the replacements to arrive this swap could be done within 1 to 2 hours. Everything bolted right up with no modifications and I got to use a 5 lug kit made for the 1/2 ton.

    something to think about. And a plus is that because alot of people decide to install a independent front suspension kit you can get a 1/2 ton front axle for pretty cheap, maybe even free.
  5. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    No, no, noooo!!!!!

    Welcome, fellow 3/4 tonner! You CAN go to discs, but you DO need to get a half ton axle. These axles are just like what you have on your 3/4, they just have 6 (not 5) lugs. From there, you can go to a 5 OR 6 lug disc setup. You could, of course redo the original as well.
    Tom's Truck Parts in Miami Oklahoma sold me all the bake stuff I needed to get my 3/4 stopping. I just like the idea of a split master and _love_ the ease of disc brakes!
    Good luck with your direction.
    Now, we normally don't give advice without photos, so you owe us! Post some pictures of your truck and we'll help you some more!;)
  6. drummin52

    drummin52 Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Wapwallopen, Pa
    just let me know if you would like pictures as Ive been taking pictures throughout the processs as well as other things Ive done to my truck.
  7. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    there is another option it may be more expensive depending on your overall goal. I also have a 3/4 ton GMC and what i am planning on doing eventually is replace the entire front suspension to a mustang II or equivalent suspension. this way i have new technology throughout... including disks. just an option...

    welcome by the way and post some pics of your ride!!!
  8. willardgreen

    willardgreen Member

    Dec 17, 2007
    Why not consider a 12 bolt from a newer chevy you will have the 6 lugs to match the 1/2 ton front and will have self adjusting brakes. There is a much better selection of 6-lug wheels than 8-lug. I just dont like the looks of the floating axle hub sticking through the wheel. You could get the newer rear end from a 3/4 buy they are expensive.
  9. jake-up

    jake-up Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    Thanks guys for all the great ideas, great forum. I'm not sure what way I'm going to go now. I'm leaning towards rebuilding them, but I'm also looking into some axles. Hopefully I can get you guys some pictures. Its bad enough I've got to figure out which way I'm going to do my brakes, now I have to figure out how to send pictures.(ha ha) Thanks again I'll get back with you.
  10. jake-up

    jake-up Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    disc update

    Hello guys. I posted some pictures but I put it in Classic Parts of America talk. I am still trying to get the hang of these forums. The pictures are in my profile. Can you move post around to different forums?

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