Doing what it was meant to do.... Hauling the 53 bed remnants... 600 sq feet of flooring....$2500 in there...more than I paid for the truck. Hauling wood and trim for my home addition. You asked for it Nate! Lets see your trucks in action!
Not really work, but... at least it is hauling something. 4 kids and "tons" of candy at 4th of July parade a few weeks ago.
Another chebby at work Thought I'd add my work horse to this thread...My 54 3800 1-Ton with 2 yards of top soil for our garden. Chris
Dang, Chris! Now that's some serious top soil! Maybe if I show that picture to my wife, the next rig I can work on would be a snub nosed, dump bed, G!
Sniff That brings a tear to my eye ~ it makes me think of 1967 and wheezing that old '49 AD fuel oil tanker up the steep & narrow hills to deliver a load of heating oil.... Plumes of blue smoke traling behind us in the crisp fall air . Or some old farm rig idling along in 1st. gear out on the field as we pummeled the guy in the bed with too many hay bales tossed too fast... I was a lucky kid, grew up working on and with , old 6 banger trucks .
All I thought you would appreciate this. I have and will be doing a lot of landscaping around the house so I figured why not put the GMC 3/4 ton to work! And boy did I. I also have a 96 toyota T-100 for my daily driver, and it got some work too, just not as much as the GMC!!! Now for the work... 1st load of compost, 1 cubic yrd, weighing in at approximately 1 ton! 2nd load of pea gravel, 1 cubic yrd, weighing in at approximately 1.5- 2 tons! Now this load really did squat the truck down. I actually had it sitting on the helper load springs. Now from what I have found my truck seems to have a 5.14 rear gears, top speed ~50MPH maybe 55MPH. the 228 GMC motor is fantastic!!! With the low low gears, and the 4 speed, the truck honestly didn't drive any different, just hunkered down and pulled with no problem. I had no problem pulling uphill going 45 mph! I did downshift more and slowed down for lights and things. The truck rode like a cadillac!! So so smooth! Got 4 people at 4 different lights when I was driving through town that asked me what yr it was and thought it was cool that i was using it for work! The guys at 2 different landscape stores looked at me and said are you sure that your truck can handle this.... I smiled and said oh yeah just look underneith They did and both said "OH YEAH THAT IS SOME HEAVY DUTY SPRINGS!!!" Now on to the pics
Those were the days Most of the bales I brought in were 40-50 lb. twine tied. It was the occasional 25 pounder that you could use to try and pick off the stacker that I enjoyed. I don't think that I ever succeeded, and no one got me, but who would have thought that hard work could be so fun.
engine Hey Russ Do you have any pics of your v8 ? just picked up a 700r transmission today at local pick a part Thanks Robert
Sorry, Big Tim... I think Brian was commenting on DZ's post. He has the manly GMC all OVER those pictures. If it says "Chevy", it's just *cute*.
Hey DeadZone, You have the 'GMC' in good condition, that goes on that grille frame? I'm in the market...