Cooling Help

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by john3, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. john3

    john3 Member

    Mar 5, 2008
    Terrell, NC
    Heys guys long time no talk to hope everyone is doing OK. Have a cooling problem. I have a 235 engine in my 51 there is nothing wrong with the radiator I installed from our host. It don't sit all the way down in the cradle where the original sit. Does this matter? Plus I have a short shaft water pump when I bolt the radiator in the original holes there is about 3 inches between the pump and radiator no room for a fan. I installed a electric fan ,engine temp runs at 180 to 190 higher if in the high 90's, but after driving some distance you can't put your hand on the fuel lines, filter and carb, is this normal. What modern vehicel radiator will work in this truck. Thanks for all your help.
  2. gary1of2

    gary1of2 Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    Valley Springs, CA

    the factory radiator has small tubes . the new one probably has bigger ones. 180 - 190 is ok. Did you change the pulley size? If you did you might not move enough water. You normally can't touch carb and fuel lines for a few minutes.
  3. john3

    john3 Member

    Mar 5, 2008
    Terrell, NC
    Didn't think about that the pulley is one for a 235 I can see where a larger one may work better Thanks
  4. willardgreen

    willardgreen Member

    Dec 17, 2007
    Be careful how much you increase the bottom pulley. This could make the water pump bearings wear out quicker. You may be able to find a smaller fan pulley. It does look hot when the gauge only goes a little past boiling. But with modern anti freeze and a pressure cap the engine will have to get hotter than the gauge will register and still on releve the radiator pressure (or boil over). Newer engines do run hotter than older ones and it is noticed that gas mileage is higher and the engines last longer. New cars dont say how hot the are just cold, normal and hot. I think thermostats are now somewhere near 195 degrees.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    You're O.K.

    As long as no spewing of coolant .

    I assume the new radiator is three rows of tubes ? . (I once bought a Chinese radiator that only had two rows and it couldn't quite do the job .

    The only pulley you needs change would be the water pump pully and only if it rubs . then , go to the brand 'F' section of the junkyard ( always 2X more brand 'F's than GMs) and look for a 390 or other big block V-8 , it'll have the
    ' Just So ' pulley you need .

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