Vibration Issues

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by gulffishin, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. gulffishin

    gulffishin Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Hey guys, this is my first post so I'll give a little background info. I am an active member on the clublexus and toyotanation forum with the same screen name, and have an 03 ES300, 07 Camry, 93 Toyota 4x4 and just purchased a 64 C10, big rear window, fleetside with a 283.

    Since this is a chevy forum I will obviously be asking a question about my 64'.

    The front of the engine around the crank pulley is vibrating/wobbling while running. I took the crank pulley off and started it and it still wobbles. The harmonic balancer seems to have some slack in it ( doesn't fit real tight). I am thinking the harmonic balancer is causing the vibration, but have no idea where to buy one at.

    Does anyone know where I can buy one?

  2. jaybyrd66

    jaybyrd66 Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    crossville TN
    should be able to get one at a local parts store or if you wanna buy an aftermarket you can order them out of jegs or summit racing magazine or something like that. ive also had alot of luck out of northern auto parts, you could check their website out too its, you shouldnt have a very hard time finding one. good luck
  3. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Also, Check the motor. What motor is in there ? Stock ? If it's the original motor there isn't supposed to be an external balancer. Those were internally balanced.
    OR, the balancer itself may be the wrong one, or just bad.

  4. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    The harmonic balancer on the 283 is pressed on only and has no center bolt holding it on, so it is possible that it has worked it's way off a little. The sleeve of the balancer might also be very worn. If this is the case the timing cover will be leaking oil. Lastly the rubber in the balancer could be rotted out.

    If you replace the balancer and it dosen't fix the wobble then it could be the crankshaft itself. That could require total replacement or just need to be turned. The block will also need new bearings. It you have the crank turned then have them drill and tap the end of the crank so you can bolt the balancer on and use a balancer installation tool.

    If you take the lower end apart make sure you mark each part so you can reinstall it in the correct place. If you don't the block will need to be line boared to make sure it is straight.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  5. gulffishin

    gulffishin Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    The person I bought it from said it was the original motor, but that it had been recently rebuilt, but I only trust someone selling a 45 year old truck as far as I can throw them. Should I take the balancer off and try to start it, or should I put a new balancer on it and try that 1st?

    Thanks for the help
  6. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Check the block casting numbers FIRST to be sure what it is you have.
    The casting numbers are located on the bell housing flange just below the cylinder head on the driver's side.
    A mirror and flash light helps !!

    Then, go out to and look up those numbers. If it truly is the original motor then pull the external balancer off. It should not be needed.

  7. gulffishin

    gulffishin Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Well, I've pretty much decided that it is not the original engine. The numbers were covered with engine paint and grease/dirt etc, so I could not get to them, but I did notice that it's missing the passenger side motor mount, and the engine itself just seems too big for the truck. I am by no means an expert but I am assuming it's a 350, and it originally had a inline 6. Is there any way to tell what engine came in the truck using the vin?
  8. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    A small block will have 4 valve cover bolts and a big block I think has 7 bolts. 87 and up SBC heads have four bolts on the top of the valve cover and 86 and earlier have two on each side. If it is missing a mount that could be really bad. You are putting alot of extra stress on the transmission housing. CCP sells all the parts you need to mount a small block into your truck. One thing you can do to help you see is take the distributor cap off, remove driver side valve cover and un-bolt transmission mount. Use a piece of plywood about 1.5'x1.5' and put it under the tranny and jack it up a little. This will tilt the motor forward just a little. Use a mechanics mirror and a flash light to read the numbers. Be carefull 3,5,6,8,and 9 look alot alike. Wipe the area down and a little simple green always helps.

    I do believe that Classic parts, LMC truck have a truck VIN decoder in the catalouge. Not sure if it will help you.

    Attached Files:

  9. gulffishin

    gulffishin Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Thanks for all the help guys, I'll try to find them again this afternoon.
  10. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    Some indicators that you might have a 283 or an origional motor, is the pressed in oil filler, heat riser for the choke (I think that is what it is called), temp sender in the thermostat housing and a flash suppressor at the rear of the block. The intake goes around this part and if you replace it with an after market intake you will not have access to it anymore.

    Attached Files:

    • 283.bmp
      File size:
      170 KB
  11. gulffishin

    gulffishin Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Thanks for all the help guys still no luck finding the casting numbers...:(
    The pics help some, but whatever engine is in it has been modified ie: HEI ignition 4bbl edelbrock carb and intake, chrome valve covers, alternator has been moved to the passenger side, headers...

    I have attached some pics of it to this post

    Attached Files:

  12. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    Well it's a small block. Can't tell if its a 283 or not. If I have to guess I would say no and here is why: 1: it looks like a long water pump. It is supposed to have a SWP. I'm not saying it's out of the question but since all the pulleys and brackets have to be changed I would say the motor came out of another vehicle. 2: Alt is on the passenger side, also a LWP set up.

    You cannot progress any further without reading the casting numbers. You have to know what you have before you know what to fix. Internal ro external or is it a stroker motor.

    And the reason it dosent look like it fits is cause the radiator isn't mounted correctly. My truck is over 5000 miles away can someone take a couple pics on the radiator mount.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  13. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Tips to reading block casting numbers.

    As stated before the casting number you need is located onthe blocks' bell housing flange just below the left, ( drivers ), side cylinder head.

    Tools needed : Flashlight and mirror !

    If the area is caked in gunk, spray degreaser all over the area and let it soak for 10 minutes. Reach back there with a shop rag coated in more degreaser and try and remove as much crud as possible until the numbers appear.

    Hold the mirror at an angle behind the left cylinder head and light up the area with the flash light or shop light. It is a real pain, I know, but you need to do it !


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