I see the light, I just don't know what it's for. My wiring harness has 5 bulb sockets under the dash. The four for the instruments I understand Two for the gauge and two for the speedo (one is the high beam indicator). I have the wire connected to the dome light that goes to the rear of the cab. So what is this bulb socket for? Someone illuminate me. Greg
there is a spot for a socket where the key ignition is located, or somewhere around there. When I was rebuilding/replacing my gauges I too had an extra one, and somehow found out where it went, atleast it fit there But look around that area mine is a 52 gmc, but it should be the same or at least a guess for ya
Can't reach First, a correction. There are 3 lights to the speedo. One for the high beam and two more for illuminating the dial. The one in question is too short to reach the ignition switch. It comes off the harness loom with all of the lines to the light switch. The ignition switch is under the speedo. It is on the wiring diagram, but all it says is "instrument light". Greg
There is definately a light to the switch. I can rember seeing light coming from the switch on my Dad's 53 in 1955. May change with one that is longer going to the gauges. I dont know why they ever designed a light for the ignition. With a 6-volt I would not try to start it with the lights on
If you have the origional switch, it has a housing with a place for a light. If it has been converted to a switch start, it was probably done away with.
Eureka! OK, so now I do see the light. It took a while to get the old grey cells stirred, but I think I have it figured out. The first bulb socket goes to the left of the Gauge cluster, the second to the right. The third socket goes to the left of the Speedo. It is in the second branch off the harness loom, so I mistakenly thought it was for the gauge cluster. The High beam indicator is marked specially, so it connects to the high beam switch. Of the last two on the harness, one goes to the right side of the speedo and the other one goes on the mounting bracket for the ignition switch. Does this sound right? So now, does anyone know how to get the imprint of a brake pedal pad off the back of your neck? Does it just take time or surgery? Greg
It Takes TIME ! And the reason for the illuminated ignition switch was : these were designed and sold to be work trucks and back then , everything wasn't all lit up like it is these days , when you went to use the truck @ night it was usually pitch dark so you'd open the door and reach in & pull the lightswitch to the first (parklight) position and then the ignition was plainly visable for you to insert the key .