Hey gang, Today was a milestone for me. First coat of primer after much body work. I've been slow and not even that steady at this project but ol Mater is comin' along. I might even get it done in the 3 year time I gave myself---if I don't run out of money. Man, the learning curve on this project has given me a great respect for those of you that do it all the time. Being my first ever, and being an electrical type, it's all new---welding, paint, parts, but we're (grandkids) gona get-er-done. To date, the cab has received new outer, inner to outer, inner cowl patch panels. New cab corners, new floor panels. New rear cab panels...many of which were hand made. I doubt I'd a bought this if I'd a known what it needed but we're into it now. Here's a couple b&a pic's. Rick
Even the rust was gone! Didn't dip it but I sure didn't know what to look for before buying! There were a few "welded in pieces" that were only ment to keep the water out. After I removed them---well, you see what was left. Buyer beware, or at least educated, bring someone that does know! It's all good though, frame, motor, and axles all done with project under budget. Pic is of first day. It even ran. Rick
Hi Rick I really like the back bumper. When you have a bed that long the big bumper will come in handy when parallel parking!!! The picture of the primed cab looks great.
Great job! Wow~ what incredible before and after pictures! Not bad at all, for an electrician! I remember the days when mine was all together and ran~ That was about three years ago. I'm just slightly ahead of where yours is right now. (I didn't have to do the extensive patching, however.) (It must have been because of the superior GMC metal treatment/quality...)
must have been cuz it was a GMC!!! didn't have to do much patching on mine either.. again GMC great work though!!! man you have come a long ways!!!
Holy rotted metal Batman! Rick, very impressive! You're on Easy Street now!. If you can make that look that good, the sky's the limit! You da man!