Now that I have gotten further along in my assembly, if find that my gearshifter will go through all the gears whether the clutch pedal is depressed or not. Is this a minor adjustment or am I going to have to remove and reassemble the whole clutch? I have searched previous posts and the Shop manual only tells you how fix it and does not give symptoms and solutions. Greg
Bill, So you thinking the clutch and pressure plate do not engage unless the flywheel is turning? Greg
Sounds like you are on flat land because it didnt roll off. Have some one disengage the clutch while you look for it to move from underneth. The clutch works even when the engine is off. You can get on a hill and test if the clutch is doing its job. It will roll down the hill if the clutch is not engaged while in any gear. This is common knowledge amongst us hillbilles. Most of the Texas I have seen is flat. I have been told there are hills in TX but have not seen them.
They engage, but as long as the engine isn't spinning and the truck isn't moving you should be able to move the shift lever to any gear. Depending on how the gears happen to line up in the now stationary gearbox you may not be able to select one or more.
Re:Near Boerne I'm in Ohio,Greg, but my son lives in Round Rock and we have some mutual friends who have a "weekend ranch" near Boerne. Stayed there a few times out in the middle of nowhere and loved every minute of it! Have a great day,John