Does anyone know where you can buy the trim reinforcement pieces in the photos? I believe the first one is GM part no. 3689528. It is used to keep the fastening screws from crushing the trim moulding. I believe the second one is GM part no. 3688987. It is used to keep the defroster vent open. That part of the trim is so thin and fragile and this reinforcing clip helps keep the metal from being deformed when you just wipe the dash down. The part numbers are in the Factory Assembly Man., but I have not seen them in any catalogs. Greg
trim I have done three trucks and none have had those parts, The 2 wire ones look like part of the head light trim ring, part of a set of 4
Can't say any of the 4 trucks I have worked on had those either.....must be the optional pieces.....Otional if you want to put them back on.
Not hallucinating... I did not make these up guys. They are shown in the Fac. Assm. Man. on Sect. 1, Sheet 8.00. One is listed as "reinforcment" and the other "defroster opening reinforcement". That's where I got the part numbers. I think it actually shows one more (PN 3695696) below the center windshield strip. They do look like the headlamp retainer springs, but they are smaller. If I can find the right stock, I think I can make the wire ones. Greg
The ones on my 48 Fleetline were rubber, too bad to use, it doesn't seem to have made any difference as long as you don't over tighten. The ones on my 53 PU are too rusted to use so I'm not worrying about them either. But, I do know what's it like to want everything just as it was. I'll look at mine again and if they are salvageable you can have them.
Good news I successfully made repros if the wire clips. I don't think my sheet metal brake can make the sharp turns needed for the sheet metal clips. Rubber would be a good alternative. No one is ever going to see these unless they start dismantling my truck. Greg
Greg, My 55.1 has them.They are spacers to keep from pulling the windsheild trim down too far and blocking the defrost air from the windsheild.I was missing one so I just cut a piece of small hose and sliped it over the screw.Worked OK.Hope this helps.A easy fix.
The ones that look like headlight springs are there to keep the windshield trim from pressing down as mentioned earlier. They clip into the bottom of the trim by squeezing into the bottom of trim edges. Got mine from a salvaged trim part from the salvage yard.