Hi Jesse , Yes it has the clamp on the bottom , The one I would sell is the one on the left & it is the nicest one . I sent You a PM . Bob
Napa Paper Filter Jesse, I had an old Oil Bath Air Filter like those shown. I didn't feel I needed the Oil Bath system, as we are not that dusty here in TN, and they can be dirty to work with as well. I played around at NAPA one day and found a paper filter that fits in there just perfect so I felt I had authenticity and convenience. Then I got the decals from the host after a little rehab on the cannister itself. Looks awesome! Flashlight
Oil Bath Air Filters Clean far better than any paper element ever made . If you use ATF in it instead of oil , it'll work better and the horsehair element will self clean too , inspect the oil cup as it'll fill up with silt in a few months . Those horns are _BAD_ and will cause your truck to EXPLODE ! a better thing is to mail them to me , I'll keep them out of trouble for you..... Once you begine driving your truck , you'll soon see why no one like Huck Brakes ~ they'll bed in and need several adjustments , remember each wheel has TWO adjusters .
Your right about the silt in the filter! I soaked them and it was unbelievable the amount of silt that washed out of them (tablespoons). I put the horse hair filter in for shows only now. That being said...My filter has a lot of loose strands and looks funky (worn out). I have not been able to find a replacement filter for the Oil bath. I'm afraid of having loose particles get sucked into my nice rebuilt carb. Can it be replaced? Is there a vendor with Horse hair filters? Thanks, Flashlight
Different years had more or less of the horse hair fibers , I've never had any troubles with it getting sucked in . IIRC , you have to break some spot welds to get it apart for re-stuffing , I'd use the coarse brass mesh instead of horse hair if I were to re-build one . Like thos industrial pot scrubbers , you don't stuff the filter , you fill it loosely as you want an air - maze that's dampened with the ATF (or 10W oil) to catch the dust , too much medium slows down the air flow same as a dirty filter .
Musical Horns Many of those old multiple horn setups had a motorized relay so they'd play various tunes at the push of a button , then there was a dash mounted pad that had as many different buttons as the particular horn had trumpets so you could play your _own_ music..... Sounds kinda sick I know but some folks (ahem ) liked this typ of thing FWIW , what you should do is ever so carefully clean the contact points in each horn then energize each one _seperately_ and adjust to the loudest toot , then give them a try , they should be quite loud and melodious then . Did I mention how much I love horns ? .
So I was talking to my dad about air cleaners and he said he had one off and old international truck. I was like cool where is it? Well after looking for it I final founld it last night. It has the right look to it and has the right size hole in the bottom but I dont know how it should clamp on to the carb. Any one got pictures of the bottom and the clamps used? Thanks Jesse
Hi Jesse . Sorry for the bad pic but hopefully this will help , The White plastic thing I just sit it in for the pic as Mine still has oil in it. . Looks to be a normal old clamp that slips over the bottom , Or at least thats what I would try . Not the screw clamp ,but the old wire type that has the bolt & nut tightner on it . Bob
Sorry Jesse But those filters won't fit a Rochaster carby ~ the flange is for Carter carbys as used on Corn Binders and old brand 'F' engines.... Maybe you can swap it ? .