Just finished this door this morning. Already hung and gotten PAID! A tribute to many of the lowbrow artists who made the scene what it is today. If I have to explain this one, you need to close this page immediately..... A Dirty Donnie space moai... My own Tiki Mechaniki.. Robert Williams' Cootchie Cootie.....Yeah, it is crotch critter.. Our little green buddy... And Coop's devil girl..
Sonofagun ! I didn't know anyone remembered Cootchi Cootie.... Let's never forget that Devil Girl was his _wife_ ~ look at pix opf her face and you'll see . That's a great job there , good work . Thanx for sharing it .
Great job! Nice execution, Russ! Doors make good panels to paint on, no? I assume that was all acrylic and brush? Was the door in someones house, or is this in a business?
This is painted on signboard then screwed to the door. It is in one of the guys in the club's business/ shop. The paint is all 1 shot. It took about 2 days to paint, not including drying time.
er...you didn't have to explain the top one ....but I had too look it up. Thanks for the inadvertant education. I now have a real respect for the man. I thought he was just name on a Hollywood trucker hat. Josh
Great job. My two greatest envies have been of people that could draw or play a musical instrument. If you can play something then I guess I'll just have to hate you.
Rat Fink's Ed Big Daddy Roth Some of his cars are being actioned off on the 26th of Sept. as noted in Hemmings Motor News. Another one of his creatioons has been rebuilt by Galpin Ford.