Bob: I came across this link earlier today, don't know if its helpful but it maybe.
Homemade Brake Bleeder O.K. , sorry I wasn't clear . You get a plastic pump tank and a 10 # gauge , take the spare MC cap and drill it , insert a nipple and connect a hose between the air tank and the MC cap after you've filled the MC to the brim ~ pump the tank a few strokes to 5 PSI MAXIMUM then go open a bleeder valve & fluid will come roaring out . Bleed until not only is there no more bubbles & foam going into the bleeder jar (I'm sure you know to use a clean clear glass jar and hose on the bleeder nipple) but there's clean brake fluid coming out the hose too , close the nipple , re-top up the MC and go to the next bleeder nipple . Look at the layout of the brake pipes and begin with the one furthest from the MC , it's usually but not always , the right rear wheel . Finish with the _closest_ one , skipping steps or not following the right order means you'll _never_ get a good hard pedal . Getting cute and trying more pressure to speed up the job , makes MORE foam and bubbles form in the brake fluid . This handy , inexpen$ive tool can be used to easily and quickly bleed the brakes on all your vehicles , the brake fluid should be flushed and bled every two years , sooner if it turns black . I hope this clarifies it .
Thanks for the link Wolf, looks like I have to join the site to look at it , so I,ll do that soon . I gotcha Nate thanks for clearing it up. Darn sure makes sense on how it would be a breeze too . I haven,t had any time to mess with it anymore as its way at the bottom of My honeydo list . I,ll let You know the outcome , Thanks again, Bob
brakes~ I'll never forget... I had put new brakes and wheel cylinders on, rebuilt the master, new lines, and went for several drives in it. I wasn't happy with the ride, and figured I'd blow my truck apart and rebuild it. I also was swapping it from 3/4 ton to 1/2 ton. I took the front metal brake lines off that ran around from the passenger side to the driver side. Once I got it off, I was looking at it thinking I'd save it, clean the crud off of it, and put it back on later. As I was looking at it, I noticed a small stream of brake fluid shooting out from the line~ Obviously, I'll be replacing the entire brake system. Good luck with yours!
Paul I can't wait for you to get yours going again... and oh yeah mine too Old GMC trucks site is a lot of help as well as this one. They are especially helpful for big trucks!!!
Thanks Zig & Wolf , I,ll look into that forum Wolf . The advantage I have over you guys is I can get under My trucks without even jackin em up . I,m working on trading one of My 97 Jimmys for a 53 GMC 2 ton dumptruck , only has 28k actuall miles on it & is a daily used farm truck . I Really gota quit looking at craigslist . Bob
I Thought I,d update this. I missed out on the Dumptruck. I,ve had No luck finding a drivers door for the 53 . So Yesterday I found a 52 1/2 ton perty much complete for 350 bucks , He didn,t have any Pics , But I bought it sight unseen anyway Because He said the doors were Perty nice & complete other then the glass being cracked . Well He delivered it & The doors aren,t to bad Definatlly good enough for the 53 just to use around the Property. How They Open , shut & latch I have no Idea Because I Now am the Proud owner of Posablly the Rustiest truck in history . I,ve never seen one this bad . Good thing I was just needing the doors . I,ll get some pics up of it Later . Hopefully I can get back on it & get My brakes fixed . Put the new door On & retire the 53 outside , so I can get started on the 54 I want to restore . Bob
Heres the pics of ole Rusty . Pics Problly dont show how bad it is . Still lotsa good parts though if I can get it apart . Bob
What Larry said! Not bad at all! And what's with the radio? It looks kind of like an original, but it comes through the dash above the original knockouts. Is it original? Looks like a good grille and hood, also? I love the Keystone, fender mounted turn signals! You'll be having as much fun as Evan!
This Illustrates Why it's so important to not buy from computer photos ~ it appears to be a decent old truck at first glance . Loads of good parts in there . I don't see anu fender mounted turn signals....