oh i can't wait to drive it, especially on a long trip in the fall@!!!! man that would be sweet. Im still waitin on my water pump, hopefully it will be in soon. Also i need to find someone that will mount new tires on split rims, man thats harder then it sounds.
A fitting place for a GMC, camafloged. Lets hope to see ruts where the grass wont grow soon and the picket fence outta your way!
Ouch! Willard~ I thought you were my friend! So far, the only use it's had is by a couple of RACCOONS! One of my dogs was out back with me and he slipped around the garden side of the garage and started barking. He had gone through the gap at the bottom of the front door and into the garage. When I went in, there, under my truck was a very upset raccoon, and another behind my old tires. I might have to make time to fill in that gap this weekend... And then yes, Willard, I will be getting the fence out of the way! (Then I can easily hook up my boat and hit the pits! I can't wait! Bill~ You hit the nail on the head! With as hammered as I get, wavy lines are a natural!
Looking Good Impressive garage there Paul, looks like a great job. I've been amazed at how much work you've been able to do out in the open - so now you're undercover who knows what can happen.
Thanks, Mel! Well, some people on this site think that's the only place a GMC should be~ but we know that's just 'cause they wish they had one... Yes, that side of the yard has changed GREATLY since you were here. I'm glad you've made it back to the site! What about some updates with your ride? I hope you and your wife are living the good life and wearing out that AD of yours! Paul
I Thought That's why the windows were so high up : so the neighbors wouldn't see you working on a GMC I mean , how embarrasing !
Right Paul, me, the family and the AD are all doing real well. The 55's just about finished now (not that I can ever really finish it), last thing was to replace the bed wood and strips last winter. Since then it's been on the road pretty much all the time as my regular weekend driver. I'll try to sort out some photos. I get to the site here occasionally, but most of the things I know about seem pretty well covered by the real experts, and not doing anything tricky myself has meant I haven't need to pop any questions either. I did add one of those steering damper things which has made another improvement in the way it drives. I don't know about you guys, but the motorways here have tire grooves worn in the slow lane by the full size trucks. Their track is a bit wider than the AD and it's forever driving itself first in one grove then the other. Like it has a life of its own. The damper means I can just about keep control of it.
What a HOOT! I can just picture that!!! Thanks, I needed a laugh! Hey, don't let the need for asking questions keep you off here! I have nothing of value to offer, but that doesn't stop me from posting a bunch of poop! I'm glad to hear you're driving that beautiful truck! Turning heads, no doubt!
O Contraire ! EVERYONE here who's so much as watched when repairs were being done , has a GREAT DEAL to offer !. I am always learing new way to look at things or to do them , from NOOBS who don't know not to do a thing a different way......... If you have ANY thoughts , no matter how mundane , you're doing us all a big favor by posting them up .
Awesome Welllllll, Mr. Stardust. You HAVE been busy. Looks absolutely and literally fantastic. Certainly different from most garages I have seen. I gotta hand it to you, it is unique and beautiful. Andy