You can't prime the new engines by spinning the oil pump with a drill because they don't have a distributor. They do have an oil pressure sending unit you can remove and screw a fitting into so I made a pre-luber for about ten bucks and a half hour of time. It is a ten inch or so length of schedule 80 4" diameter PVC with a cap glued on one end and a screw in plug on the other. The plug has two threaded holes to take an air fitting and a second fitting with a tube soldered into it that reaches the bottom of the tube. After pre-lubing the engine I have used it to fill transmissions, rear ends, fill hard to reach under floor master cylinders, and am right now flushing out a brake system with alcohol. With the plug removed you can reach your hole hand down into it too clean it operating room clean after each fluid type change. For ones with out a regulated air source the air fitting could be a tubeless tire valve stem. After building it I put it inside a large steel wheel and hooked the far end of an air hose to my 140# compressor--no big bang, but I still only use around 35 psi when pre-lubing and just a couple psi for fluid dispensing.
Hey Evan! Great idea...ever thought of a patent for your ideas. You could be rich. Billy Mays could pitch it with "Shamwow". Not really kidding here at all. Flashlight
Except That Billy Mayes died recently , he was young too but suddenly dropped over dead . IIRC it's alother guy who pitches Shamwow , isn't it ? Billy was the Oxyclean guy I thought .
When I was a kid, I brought my 1940 Olds straight eight that had spun a bearing to the local, very well respected machine shop. I was 16. Owner had crankshafts from tugboats as tall as a man standing up in the shop and took me under his wing as he rebuilt my engine. when it was all said and done, the oil pump would not prime up when the engine was started. He gave me a very similiar little jug. About the size of camping lantern propane tank. Had a screw top to put oil in it, a hose with a fitting for the oil gallery and an air chuck to pressurize. Worked like a charm. I was going to build one out of a larger tank to pressurize my truck engine before starting but Evan's idea was much better (as usual). Andy