Finally the bed is done. Here is are some pics. I oiled the wood with boiled linseed oil. I kept putting it on till it wouldn't absorb any more. The strips are stainless. Since I moved the fuel tank to under the bed I rearrange the boards so the filler fell in the middle of one of the wide boards. I know you guys would have told me the placement wasn't correct if I didn't fess up. To rearrange the boards it took a lot of re-drilling the cross sills and redoing the mounting bolt hole in the front. Also, I didn't like the way sat on the frame, so I made new blocks for the front and back 7/8" taller to make the front of the bed and the back more plumb to each other. Just as precaution I coated the oar blocks with West System Epoxy to make them last longer that I will. It still slants a little down to the cab but I can live with that. If I would have raised it any more the fenders and running boards would really be a problem.
Nate: After all the vigilante talk on the e-mail list over ther the weekend I wouldn't expect you to ask this question.
True AD owner speaks! Somehow, I can just picture this! The bed (your truck) looks GREAT! Mine will be nice and white also, so seeing pictures of your completed bed gets me thinking of getting back to work on it SOON! The red wheels intrigue me... What's the story with them? I only ask because my paint scheme is mostly white, but with red and yellow thrown in. I am mulling over red wheels.
Not White Ok, I guess I need to confess, It's not white, Sorry Nate!! It looks white in the pics but it is actually a light beige. It will have slightly darker beige fenders and running boards. I post pics when they are in place. The wheels match the Chevy Orange engine. They are so orange they are almost florescent . I think I'll add a orange stripe around the cab when finished. Any way here's the wheels and caps.
Oh Well ; Keep it then Those wheels look nice and will look very sharp against the cab stripe . My truck has red wheels too , I think colored wheels look good *if* you match or contrast them to the vehicle's primary paint color .
I see~ Your truck is going to be one slick looking ride! Looks like you have a nice space to work on it as well. It appears as if you have V-Nated it?
Oh , NO ! The horror ! the humanity NONONOnonononononononoooooooooo..................... Just funnin' ya .