rebuilding leaf spring assemblies.. purchaced new main spring.. now taking the old ones apart.. question how do i take the heavy bent metal clamps with rivet pin in center off? then how do i reinstall them? do i drill the rivet out? how is it connected to spring? do i heat up and bend the bent ears off top of spring? does someone sale replacement part for these? also i am noticing that the right and left springs are different on one of these clamps. right spring straps one more leaf than the one on the oppsite side..
Leaf Spring Service It appears some one before you broke a cardinal rule and repaired/replaced just one spring . I don't like riveting s I just ever so carefully bend the clips a bit . DO NOT bead blast the old springs but do wire brush them and use graphite grease or teflon strips between the leaves to ensure a nice smooth squeak free ride .
I have the same problem so I hope someone knows what material or where we can get those holding spring straps. Mine has baling wire wrapped around them, its not too pretty either. Flashlight
ok you convinced me.. I will abandon the existing springs and buy replacement springs.. does anyone have a good place to buy them? I have been purchasing my parts from our host Classic parts.. but actually have been having a lot of trouble with the parts not matching original parts.. and having tolerence issues with items being shipped.. so would like to purchase the spring somewhere else..
New Leaf Springs I don't think anyone said not to try it ...... I bought cheapo springs from King Spring in L.A. , they suck , are weak and the clips bent open all by themslves... Eaton or Diamond or both really good quality and cost no more than the cheapo ones . Avoid lowered or monoleaf springs unless you like bottoming out constantly and jarring your teeth loose .
Springs & Blasting Because you change the surface tension and they'll go limp almost immediately ~ guess how I learned this hard lesson..... It ruins coil springs too ~ I was working on my buddy's old '54 Bel Air Coupe and he asked me to bead blast the hood springs as they had too many coats of paint ~ SURE buddy ! then the hood wouldn't stay up any longer Those springs are a bugger to install too ~ I tried it the old fashioned way , flexing them side to side and jambing lots of flat washers in to hold them extended..... No dice ! . Live and learn , if I can save just one of you from making the same stupid mistakes I did , that's to the good .
Do tell~ they'll go limp almost immediately It's okay, Bill, there is a little blue pill that will take care of that...
Nate I have a pair of 53-54 hood spring remover tools.I copied a pair that a friend who was a gm mechanic loaned me after I told him about almost breaking my hand taking them off with a pry bar,(dumb 18 year kid in 1960).Take a piece of 1/2" rod about 12" long and drill a 5/16 hole 3/8 deep down in one end,then flatten the other end like a spoon and then cut a notch in the bottom about 5/16 wide.Done.To use have a buddy open the hood as wide as possible, put the top end in the hole and as he lowers the hood let the bottom hook of the spring go in the notch.As he continues to lower the hood,the spring is left mounted on the tool.Easy to make and to use.Just hope this might keep someone from breaking a hand or losing some teeth.
Hood Spring Tool Sounds good ! . pix would be nice . We didn't have any trouble getting them off , back ON however , that was a different deal We used the box typ of stretching tool , hooked each end of the new spring to the trolly jack to expand it then inserted the tool when I judged it long enough .