Can someone tell me where to find the exterior color code on a 54 truck not sure where to start looking. Mike
Mike, go to this website I warn you however, you'll spend a lot of time. Tim's website is an awesome source of information. Ken
There is no paint code on the truck itself. My 54 has "transport" written in grease pencil on the underside of the hood. I assume it is because it was originally transport blue.
Thats a mighty nice truck to go painting. A tail gate is gonna get chained first time you use it. The hood has to fit perfect or it chips and when you get it perfect it chips anyway. The cat will jump on it and it will be slick and the cat tries not to slip and if you dont have a cat the neighbor does. Good paint is great but perfect is a worry no one needs.
Paint That's the sad truth . My '49 has a wretched white re-paint that was worth maybe $250.00 when applied , it's thin across the cab's roof as they had a short guy stand in the bed to paint it , no paint atall between the cab and bed as they didn't remove the bed . etc. , etc. . Then some ignorant low rider jerkoff carved his name in the fender because the guy who used to own it , belonged to the ' wrong ' gang . So , uless you keep it locked up 24/7 and never enjoy it , the paint is going to suffer one way or t' other Paint it the color YOU like , after all YOU'RE paying for it . goofs like me who don't ken copper paint mean nothing if you like it .