any body have a parts chromer to recommend? would like to get my dash grille chromed.. thinking about having the the whole thing chromed grille, trim and glove box.. so it all matches.. i assume the ss. parts can be chromed as well as the carbon steel parts.
Mot, tell us where you live, as it is possible that we can steer you to a local guy that does good work. Good chromers are hard to find. I've seen some horror stories when it comes to plating!
You can strip and polish the stainless for far cheaper than chrome. I had the window stainless for the doors on the 53 polished and they look like mirrors.
i am in washington state, about 100 miles north of seattle. yep can polish the stainless.. but the actual dash grille(where the speakerwould go) only comes in carbon steel.. that would need to be chromed. was only thinking of chroming the all the parts so they match.. will the polished SS.. match the chrome? I really like the s.s. i had ext window trim that was ss.. dented.. i straghtend the dents best i could.. filed the rest into shape.. then polished out the file marks.. and walla a great looking piece.. ss is awsome
Chromers Your best bet is to hit some Harley & Hot Rod shows , take along a note pad and pencil and ASK as many as you can , take sharp note of the bad chromers they warn you about too ! . Chrome is expen$ive , be ready as good chrome is moreso .
Local Harley repair shop near me. A real rough and tumble place in the back woods near the harbor in low rent district in a coastal town on Long Island. Proprietor does it himself in NJ because Long Island won't allow it. Brought an antique chiropractic table to him in pieces. It was nickel plated, pitted, rusted and really fugly. I had him strip it and chrome it. He did the most awesome job I have ever seen. V-Twins cycle shop 27 Hamilton Ave Oyster Bay, NY 11771-1508 (516) 922-5059
I know there is the best chrome company in Europe, near Frankfurt. They works for all hotels in Dubai and make the best finish with 25 years warranty. ...and they are very expensive. You can see the way to best chrome is very long and i have paid a lot of money for bad surfaces. Volker
Mot, continuing with the Harley theme here, how close are you to Bellingham? If close, try going to the Harley dealer there and ask them who does their chrome work. Harley always has outstanding chrome on their bikes and chances are good that they can turn you on to some good chromers.
Weren't the early, like maybe 47-50, dash grills and trim stainless? All the knobs were. By 52 there was more painted items.
Yes , they were ~ I hand polished the one om y '49 , it looks really nice in spite of the dents & gouges from 60 years of hard work .
Nate and Coilover are right! It just didn't seem believable that my 47' was completely perfect at 62 years old. I found all SS pieces for the dash, windshield and side windows. They had a few dings and small dents, I buffed them out, the dings were still there but it shined like new! At the local shows I see people running their hands over the little dents and dings. Its as if they are trying to sooth the old trucks battle scars. Its very believable and authentic. Find some nice SS trim and you'll be glad you did! Flashlight
i have ss for every thing but the dash grille were speaker would go.. are you saying that 47 pu had SS for this part? if thats true.. i would love to find one..