I was told that 1951 rear drum would be a better solution for my 1950 huck system that it would stop better easier stopping and easier and cheaper to buy parts. So my question is is it true and what other years could i use as a doner and has anybody done this and where can i get info on how to instal. thanks for your input any infor will be not only appriciated but used.
I would bet anythin with the same bolt holes on the backing plate and bolt holes on the drum will probably fit if the axel sticks out the same amount.
Bendix Brake Upgrade Yes Ron , it is true but not just the drums , you need to find a '51 ~ '54 Torque Tube rear end takeout and buy that , swap over the entire backing plates , loaded - shoes , Hwe. , drums and all . The good thing is : there's plenty to be had cheaply as Hot Rodders yank the Torque Tube out not realizing it's a good thing and since they rarely wear , they're a drug on the used parts market and shouldn't cost over $50.00 or so as it's also heavy and bulky not to mention greasy . Resists the urge to have the drums turned as they raely need it per my factory Bendix brake training . No need to change the master cylinder unless you want to upgrade it to a dual circuit one for increased safety . Parts are cheaper too . There have been several posts written up about this upgrade in the past if you care to dig a little bit .
bendix swap Thanks nate i figured that the backing plates would need to be swapped as well but wasnt sure if it is possible and what modifacations would it take So all i need is 51 to 54 backing plates and drums? And thanks again
No ; You'll need the shoes , adjusters , hold down springs etc. , etc. ~ this is why it's advantageous to buy an entire takeout Torque Tube rear end . it's usually cheaper to . Don't plan on using anything from the Huck brakes .