To one and all of my friends on this forum, I wish you a most joyous day filled with good friends, close family and fantastic food. Don't forget to reflect upon the many blessings bestowed upon you this past year. Andy
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Beautiful day here in Tomball, Texas. Took the truck out for a spin before company comes over for over-eating. Nate, I'm the only one in the family who likes minced meat pie, so none for me. If you eat some, eat an extra slice for me! Hope everyone has a safe and happy day! God bless each and every one of you guys and your families! Ken
Turkey is consumed, naps have been taken, guests sent if the kids would go to bed, well..........
Thankful? My daughter turned seven today. My mother-in-law is hanging by a thread. (stroke and broken hip) Kansas is cutting our district 1 mill. My garage is done(ish), my mom and dad had a blast playing uno with my daughter, the sunset was beautiful, and I'm telling you this. I appreciate my friends here. All-in-all, I can truly say I have lots to be thankful for. Here's to all our troups on the other side of the world.
Mince Pie Well ; We drove way the heck and gone out to Fontana and stopped at the grocery store to buy Turkey Gravy mix (she didn't us it) and SWMBO said ' absolutely NOT Mknce pie ! ' Oh well , maybe I'll travel and find some Rhubarb pie later , in the spring .
Pork roast and other fixins do me, I eat to much turkey during the year as it is. Now for a month of jingle bell music.
Thanksgiving I am thankful that I am at work. I sit at home 6 months this year. The prices are really going up. I have to drive over a 1000-miles to work but at least it pays. So many are out of work & prices keep climbing. I am in Pennsylvania on a oil rig and the snow is really coming down. My truck engine is complete and soon to be back in. I was really surprised to find that it was a 261-ci and guess what? 261 pistons & rods are not on the shelf. A coulpe of thousand here and a couple of thousand there plus the purchase price and you have a nice truck and more in it than what it's worth. But I am thankful for it and the good FREE advise on this forum. Thanks Willard The New 1st Grand child
Congrats on the first grandchild! They only get better! I'm 3 weeks away from #3! They are a Godsend and the best part is...they go home with mama!!
Cool, Willard Thanks for the pictures. I have a buddy that lives in Burchrunville. I love PA. Now I must stand on my soap box. With the cuts here, (over half the state's funds go to education) I'm happy to have my job. I love my kids, and they are our future. However, I'm not sure that the state is concerned about all kids. I wonder if they are thinking that the wealthy can put their kids through no matter, and those that can't afford it~ oh well... NCLB That really means a lot.
Congrats on the new baby Willard ! .you now have another to teach the joys of Vintage Trucks to...... Be VERY wary of those 261 rods ! many Machine Shops will pinch them and return you 235 rods.... Unless they're badly worn (loose wrist pin bushings , ridges) all they should need is to be balanced 100 % equally and you'll be ready to rock . Nice pix BTW .
We have an 80 El Camino for him. Same vintage as his mom & dad. The 51 is same age as me. Funny how things work out. AGAP in Texas fixed the engine. 3 year unlimited mileage & they pay labor to remove it. The price went way up after it was found to be a 261. I could have bought a 235 for the difference but the 261 has 60-psi oil pressure which I found very odd when I thought it was a 235. Hey Zig, Any kid that has at least one parent that cares can make it if they want. Trouble is a lot of them dont have that. But look at George Washington Carver.
Kids Hey ! I made it all on my own Never underestimate the power of posative thinking. Be good to kids (all kids) ~ they'll be cleaning your bed pans sooner than you think
Ken: One slice left in our fridge. It's 5 days old. It's yours if you want it. I'm still working on the puhchan pie. That's the southern pronunciation of pecan as opposed to northern pronunciation which is peecan.