I'm new to the forum. I drove my 1992 chevrolet truck to a gas station (business as usual) and when I turned the key the truck wouldn't start. I've replaced the starter and ignition switch (located on the steering column) and still no luck! My question: can I just bypass the issue to see if the starter will crank off of the 12V battery? I'm thinking there's a fusable like somwhere or perhaps a relay of some sort or maybe someone who has had a similar situation who can give me some ideas rather then taking it to the cost shop. I would appreciate your feedback! Cheers!
No cranky ? Right ?? Check Battery- go to local chain store, battery in hand, they will check it for free. Check Battery Cables - if they "look" old, they probably are. Make sure they are not loose. Unseen battery corrosion could be eating away from the inside out. Replace cables. You can try replacing the Negative cable first to see if that does it. But you need to inspect the cables to see if they are the culprit. If it still won't turn over AND you can hear a clicking coming from the starter when you try and crank it remove the starter and take that down to the local chain store to have them test it. dv