Well at least it would be if he had some AD's. They are in a guys "barn" in Iowa that invented Round-Up. If you notice, every single one is a convertible.
Good Eye, Nate! Yep, that's a yellow '41 rag top, but what is more impressive than that is the 2 cars to the left of it. He's got a '42 and '46 rag top. For the young sprouts who don't know, the '42's were the last civilian passenger cars produced due to WWII and the '46's were the first passenger cars produced after VE and VJ day! Extremely rare to have a ragtop version of either year, much less both! His collection is kinda like the Mecca of Chevrolet!
Just north of Des Moines on I-35. I-80 is the east-west interstate thru Des Moines, I-35 is the north-south.