Well its that time of year to hope St Nick leaves you something good for your truck under the tree this year. WHAT? DON'T believe in Santa Claus? Then I hope Obama sends you a nice FAt stimulus check to fix up your truck? I am putting / betting my money on Santa Claus cause he always comes through. Maybe he should run for president but he don't have a birth certificate either. All jokes aside I wish you, Health, Wealth & Happiness
Christmas came early here! Need to hang another stocking on the mantle! I'm a grandpa again as of 2 days ago! Merry Christmas to all! Ken
I Wish You All A Relatively upbeat generic mid - winter solistace festival greetings ! That's how the tree huggers do in Sunny Southern Khalifornia , Land Of Fruits , Nuts & Flakes And don'chu fergit it !
Thanks Willard, A very Merry Christmas to all from the hills of Tennessee! There's a foot of snow on top of the Smokies which doesn't happen all that often. Appreciate all the help you've given me. Flashlight (Let me guide your sleigh tonight!)
Merry Christmas!!! Hope you all have a great one! My first Christmas with a garage to work in! Congratulations, Grandpa Ken!
I hope that everyone has a verry MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Congratulations Ken you could not have received a better present.
Merry X.mass from Norway. Friends Wish you all the best from Norway fore the coming year 2010. Thanks fore all support and good advices in 2009. I will be back even stronger next year , Martinius
Merry Christmas to all!!! Let us all remember what God did this day. He sent his son to be born a man on this earth!!! The start of our Salvation!!! Without the birth there could be no death on the cross!!! What a wonderful gift for us to receive
Amen. Merry Christmas to all my friends and their families on this forum. May it be a blessed day for all of you. Andy
Merry Christmas to all.... Hope y'all have a wonderful one with friends and family. And truck parts. Josh