The barn that Zudzoo built Round up works good! You dont see any weeds or Zudzoo around those chevys. I guess Zudzoo is a Dixieland thang. I have not seen any past the Mason Dixon line. If the North had Zudzoo they would have remained up North to fight Kudzoo.
I hear you can actually eat that crap......Kudzu. We need some recipies for it. That is another reason the government should be in charge of as little as possible. It did it's job quickly, then over did it, then covered half the south and we still can't get rid of it.
You can in fact eat it. Some make jelly out of the flowers. I would not try it if it has been close to Roundup. The best way to eat it post a goat on it and grill the goat. If you use enough Roundup to kill the stuff it will get in the ground and kill Sweet Gum trees which are of little more commercial value than Kudzu. It is a vicious cycle. Did not know it had made it to CA & NC yet. If it eats CO2 we will soon be in the ice age. They claim theres water on Mars, the gov should dsend someone to plant it there so Mars would be the Green planet.
Be Careful ! Let's not anger Marvin The Pissed Off Martian any worse.... I hear he's got an even bigger Ray Gun now