My sons and I are working on our '51 Chevy, and the boys would like to go with a flat or satin black paint job. I was in a local auto paint supply house and the owner advised us to avoid flat black. He told us that the flattening agent removes some of the UV resistance and that the paint jobs don't last too long. Anyone have any advise about going with a flat or satin black? Anyone had any problems or any success stories? Has anyone painted a vehicle with Eastwood's Rat Rod Black, by any chance?
Here's a trick, paint with single stage gloss paint 3 to 4 coats and take a DA or wet sand the entire vehicle with fine 600 or 1000 grit. The only problem with this method is the sanding marks can show. So practice on a panel to get your technical patterns down. This is a poor mans way but I have seen Wonderful effects from this. Another way is two stage with double the clear coat and wet sanding the clear t leaves the uv protection intact. check into it I haven't done this in 30 years so i don't know how the newer paints stand up to these methods. Or you can order a flat black with UV protection or a clouded clear coat that gives the allusion of flat paint. keep checking around it's out there and it does look good
Thanks! Thanks, Reinovator! I appreciate the advice. I figured that there's got to be some way to get it done. Harry
it depends on the quality of the paint and how often you feel like redoing it. they make good, sealing, long lasting flat paint that doesnt fade, but its $$$$$ or you can go get $80 worth of rustoleum and do it every/ other year.