I read alot about guys making hot rods and deconomical daily drivers of thier trucks (and hot rod cars) and just see folks saying they are throwing a 700r4 in ? What is a 700R4 is it an auto or manual is it a car or truck tranny and how does ti compare to teh original tranny in my 51 (not that my 51 has its original tranny i think it is one from a 3/4 ton) And what are comparables to all of the above? I know i eventually want to rteplace my closed drive system with anopen shaft and highway gears in the rear but I figure i should do the research well in advance and just have no experience in this part of the vehicle as Ionly time i ever messed with drive shafts was to change out universal joints or to drop a shaft to pull the engine and tranny out to rebuild the engine but the mate it back up and drop it back in . Bill
The 700R4 is an aotuomatic overdrive tranny , it's good but I belive there are better , new alternatives . It requires amore modern engine than a 216/235/261 .
Saginaw bolts right in I'm not sure if you are wanting to use an automatic or manual. I used the Saginaw 4 speed with a kit modifying it to use with the closed shaft. It has worked out very well for me in my 47'. Along with using 3.55 rearend gears. You can use it with the kit for closed shaft or use it stock with an open shaft set up. Flashlight
Currently Im not thinking about going to an Auto matic I like the manual tranny though i would prefer to not have the closed shaft as I am not familiar with it at all averyother vehicle I have ever owned had an open shaft( the 55.2 had an open shaft with a hanger mearing) plus I am interested in changing the rear end to a higher gear so i can get closer to highway speeds this is really more curiosity about what seems to be a popular tranny teh 700R4 which sees to be going into every hot rod shown in the magazines
As an automatic, the 700r has a lower first gear and a .70 overdrive. The next most popular auto is the 350turbo, which I have in my truck. If you like shifting and want overdrive, many people go with the S10 5 speed, which will open the driveshaft and allow you to put in a more modern, better geared rear.
S10 tranny I bet there are many of these aroudn also in Junk Yards or im sorrry auto recycleing centers
I found one at pull a part just sitting in the frame...the cab was gone, just a frame, trans and bed. I didn't have the extra cash at the time.
T5 tranny My mind is made up for the T5 from the S10 and internal gears from a car and a 3.73 rear gear. The S10 T5 has the shifter closer to the dash where the car T5 requires bucket seats for clearance. I think Evan has a really good post on this last year?
There has been alot of discussion on other forums about S-10 T5s in these trucks, which I think is a great idea. On those sites they talk about putting a rear trans crossmember in to support the back of the trans. The T5 is aluminum which can't handle much abuse with just the front of it supported. It's good insurance to get the rear supported, so the trans case doesn't split in two or three.