My dad passed down his 1953 Chevy 3100 to me last year and I am about to get started on restoring it. Question about the radiator. I have a Harrison#3128515 that is leaking and needs to be replaced. I have been researching and thought the best thing to do is just buy a new one. Does anyone know about the aluminum radiators? I saw that someone posted in one of these threads about them. Any help would be greatly be appreciated. LMCTruck is the about the right price for the orginal. Thanks, Cody
Radiator Unless the tanks are ruined, you'll be far ahead in having your old radiator re-cored , it needs at least three rows but I had mine custom re-cored with a four row core for $250.00 and it works a treat . The original radiator is good for cooling up to 500 C.I. Caddy engines . The aluminum ones are terrific but don't not have the same long lifespan the brass ones do . BEWARE the Taiwanese re-pops ! . U.S. Radiator in L.A. makes good original typ ones for the same price .
Thanks I appreciate the info. I purchased the one on Lmctruck for 279.00. That should work just fine. Radiator shops around here would not fix it. Didn't want to send it off. Thanks for the info. I love the information in these forums. Cody sent from iPhone
Radiator Hi Cody Hope the new one works. If the old one fits; recoreing the old one is almost guaranteed to fit. Radiator shops are disappearing quicker than honey bees. How can they stay in business with <$300 for new radiators. When we mail order, we bet blood, sweat & tears & return shipping cost if it don't fit. You cant see much of the radiator in an AD but if you look that close the Harrison name and number won't be there. If it don't fit find someone who will fix yours, it has worked 60-yrs and will pay a life long dividend if fixed. Just an old man missing the old days.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Just got it today and looking to put it on when I get my truck. Next up?? It will run pretty good with the new radiator but I better look into getting some better breaks. Pics to come in a few weeks...Glad to be back in the swing of things...This is where I will learn, from this forum with a bunch a great AD fanatics..
So Then..... There's a break in your trucks brakes ? Just remember to ASK when you have questions , I've never been able to stump these good people .
Lol My spelling is not very good on the iPhone. Brakes!! I will definitely ask questions. Only a few ways to learn more about my truck. Ask questions and hands on. Cody
Important message ! Cody ; I hope you understand that we'd not mess with you unless we like you.... Lots and lots of teasing goes on in here , never take it to heart . Heck , even a few of those GMC guys are O.K. ! . (wait ~ did I just say that ?!
Oh yea Trust me. I'm down to earth. I gotta put up with my wife !! Lol. She is very supportive of my expenses n getting this truck running so she dont drive into the garage door again when the brakes go out. I'm just glad to be part of a great group of guys/gals!! Cody
Good People Here ! And you'll notice in due time that my spelling is wretched too.... You're right about having an understanding woman , my ex wife was always jealous of my truck(s) and actually said she'd rather I was a skirt chasing drunkard like all her girlfreinds hubbys had.... Go figure After she left me she married just one of those and has been calling me ever since , I think I'll stick with my lady who doesn't mind riding anywhere in whatever old klunker I'm driving to-day (I don't own modern vehicles) nor does she get upset when I screech to a stop in the middle of nowhere and go running off to look at some junkyard I just spotted , even on VC in Jamaica she was cool about that . Us few are lucky indeed. Drive hard & far , safely always .