Hello, one screw that fix the sending unit at the top of the tank is missing and the other ones look pretty bad. What kind of thread does the screws have? Ask Wolfgang
Wokri: I forgot i got mine from our host! http://www.classicparts.com/1947-66-Gas-Tank-Sender-Unit-Retainer-Screw-Set/productinfo/23-585/ may think about that! could always call them and ask them what size or kind they are! I have no idea how much shipping would cost. But there they are.
The screw size could be a 10-32 or 10-24 or a 8-32 or 8-24 I'm not sure but you could order a variety of sizes and they would benefit you somewhere else on the truck. These screws are cheep and the shipping will probably cost you more than the screws them selves. Good luck!