Howdy Blueflame, nice truck! The futurliner site is very cool, how awesome would it be to have one of those!!
GM Futureliners FOUR of these ultra killer machines were parked for years and years , not far from my shop . I'd go drive over and gaze at them during my lunch break every few months .
Very Cool Nate, you shouldve bought one!! I found these boys over at Jalopyjournal Old rail inspector cars, check'em out!
GM Futureliners Hi Nate If these machines still are parked nearby your shop it is a real sensation. Very big project busses with a lot a work to do i think? We love pictures. Maybe its possable to resque them for a litle money and work together with a group of enthousiast to restore one of them? Just an idea . I know that there is an guy in Norway whom has started to restore a complete FutureLiner bus, but he gets help from some rich people in Sweden. Nice that you liked the webpages. Martinius.
Futureliner Okay guys. here goes. I went to the fall Carlisle swap meet followed the next weekend by Hershey and the Futureliner was at both shows. It is a really cool vehicle to see in person and the view from the cab all the way up there is awesome. Enjoy the pics. Andy
Cathedral Cruiser Hi Andy I really love these pictures and the modern design to. It is what it says "an futuristic vehicle ". Thank you very much fore sharing with us. Martinius.
Futureliners There's no cheap ones left , two were sold at auction a few years ago and it turned out there had been three but one was crashed so they took it all apart and stored the parts inside one of the other two , the buyer was very happy to discover this motherlode of unobtanium spares . One of the ones I used to go drool on , was kitted out inside like a 1940's office , wall scones , desks , everything .
A couple of months back in Hemmings motor news there was one of the last unfinihed ones for sale I think for 250 thousand. It is not in this months issue so it may have been sold.