It's either Alzheimer's or the fact that I took this truck apart 10 years ago, but there are a few things I just cannot remember where they came from (or should I say where they go?). I seem to recall these brackets went from the rear leaf springs to the the frame, but I cannot find anything about them in the Assembly Manual or the RPO manual. They must have been an option; probably for overloading. If anyone has a picture of them installed, I would greatly appreciate it. Greg
Overload Springs I hope you find a picture soon as I have a similar set a buddy gave me (thanx Roy !) and so far I've not installed them ,I really should though as they help after the truck is loaded so it squats 5" or so in the back .
I think I have seen them attached to the leaf springs over the center where the bumpstops are. They mount to the front and slide to the back.
A possibility I found this picture on the JC Whitney catalog web page. Maybe it might help. It's listed under "Leaf Spring Helpers" Stan
Wrong!!!! Come on guys, how wrong can you be!!! havn't any of you ol timers seen these before??? they are obviously the contact bars for the experimental electric powered chevy trucks, i admit that they are fairly rare but by the shape alone you can tell that they bolt on your roof and make contact with the power lines above just like the old trams did, they faded out due to the lack of overtaking and parking possibilities. You have quite a good accessory there mate, bolt them on your roof as soon as and see what a talking point they will be!
I thought they were either bumper guards or what you'd bolt to the bottom of the seat so you could rock back and forth when you're taking a long road trip.