My speedo(orignal)bounces what causes this and how do I fix it? BTW I have a th350 trany and the correct adaptor for the speedo. Any ideas would be great thank you. Cheyne x(
Cheyne, Mine did this and I did the usual stuff, made sure the cable was in good shape and lubricated it but the needle still bounced. I pulled another speedo unit out of another truck and when I compared the two I noticed that my needle was missing a section at the bottom (I couldn't see it until it was out of the dash). The missing piece has a small counterweight attached. I put the good needle on and it has worked fine ever since. I'm sure this isn't the only thing to cause a bouncing needle, but it's worth a look.
Mine did the same thing also. But in my case it was a combination of a bad cable, (purchased a new one here), and a small piece of an old cable lodged in the transmission. Once I pulled that piece out with the trusty needle nose pliers all worked well. Fully check the speedo cable and transmission mount. Then look at the speedo itself. Dennis