Well I had the robotic surgery on Wed. and made it home today. The first night was ROUGH, but hopefully they will get better. Now the hard part.....not being able to do anything for 4-6 weeks!!!
4-6 weeks will pass in no time! Step 1 on the road to recovery is complete! Keep us posted. You're in my prayers, my friend! Ken
Welcome home ! Just look out the window at your truck , kids playing in the sun , read shop manuals and catalogs , drink a nice hot cuppa & snooze a bit , sooner than you think this too shall pass . I'm still here and we'll both be driving our old trucks before we know it .
Glad the worst is over! Now let your family pamper you and definitely read over magazines and dreammmmm! Prayers are with you for a quick recovery, Robert.
Been there so my thoughts are with you. Everything seems to be in slow motion and DON'T cough. My goal was to be able to get on my side since I hate being on my back. It went from being just too painful to routine in a week and you will find other things will return in the same way; just takes time. In the mean time get fresh ideas from those mags and keep us posted.
I see you know exactly how I feel! Things have gotten easier, just cant wait to get the catheter out (friday). Going stir crazy in this house!
Congratulations Congratulations my fellow Mississippian! I have broke my back with 4 ribs but have yet to be rapped with the dreaded catheter. Get Well Soon!
Wow I hope you get feeling better. Just hang in there. As my wife a nurse and my sister a physical therapist would say is take it easy and follow all the rehab instructions to the T! Just like you would with your truck! Don't cut corners! Hope you get better soon.