The Man upstairs is smiling down on ya! That's the best news I've heard today! Keep up the regimen and don't let your guard down! Regular follow-ups are a must! I know, I know, I'm preaching to the choir! God has blessed you! I know you know that! Ken
Great news What is life without being in good health? The higher power sourses have given you a new change in life. It is to short , crab it and enjoy. Great news Martinius.
That's the best news I've heard on here since Nate pulled through. These trucks are the bee's knees, but none of this is as important as finding out a fellow ADer is back on the mend! I'm so happy for you, Robert! Now just don't get any ideas of overdoing things, K? Rest easy.
Wonderful news.... It amazes me how attached I have managed to get to people I only know through the computer but it bothers me to hear of life's down for you folks and great to hear news like this.
Congrats, I prostate cancer 5 years ago.Do what your doctor says and it will all work out.WE will keep you in our prayers.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I really do appreciate you all. I'm getting better everyday. The hardest thing for me is keeping still. It was seventy degrees today and I couldn't work on my truck!!