Good morning, I just figured out how to put a few pics up of my truck that my dad passed down to me. I will get better with the pictures (taking them with my iphone). It was converted into an automatic 15 years ago I believe and has a 350 in it from a 86 K10 Blazer. I wish it was all original but I can deal with the 350. I really feel overwhelmed sometimes so I have to take a step back and do things one at a time. Here are things that I have done to it lately. 1. Bought new air breather 2. Bought original radiator 3. fixed the original horn and taillight. 4. Just bought a wiring harness from (ezwiring) 5. Turn signal More to come... Slowly but surely. I have a leak (wait we all have leaks right?) on the transmission so a friend coming over Wednesday to help out. I am losing brakes every 3 weeks. I have to keep adding brake fluid which is not fun. Is there a tool to open up where the brake fluid goes? Thanks. Cody
Cody, I think the tool you are looking for to open up where the brake fluid go's is called a screwdriver. lol Just pry the cover up out of the floor board and put it back when you're done. The cap on the master is just hand tight. Also if you are loosing brakes you better pull the wheels and drums and check all the wheel cylinders for leaks. Check all the brake lines and master cylinder also. If you lose all your brakes completely you might not get a second chance. You shouldn't drive the truck until you have checked out and repaired your brakes. Oh and nice truck, you have a good start....Big Tim
nice looking truck!! thanks for the pictures. For sure get those brakes fixed now. I had a good friend in Highschool loose his brakes... ended up wrecking and killed 2 people. He survived, but barely. Coma for 6 months, rehab for 1 year just to learn to talk and walk again. The fluid has to be going somewhere. Check all your basis
Brakes Thanks..Yes I bought a No it was really tight so was able to get a wrench down there to get it loose. I definitely don't want to harm anyone or my family so the brakes are a must. Have a good weekend. Cody
Well the good news is a wrench should fit the master cylinder cap. The bad news is....when I first tried to take mine off. I rounded the edges off, couldn't get anything to fit it right, PB Blatst'r and time didn't work, so I resorted to a torch and cold water to shock the rust loose and a pair of vice grips and a few choice words to get that sucker off. The other good news is that CP sells replacements. Good luck. Josh
Oh No Cody...don't get overwhelmed just yet. The bug has bitten you, save your tax return. From your list of completed projects you are on the road to complete Rehab (your truck anyway). You can always find something to fix or replace on these trucks. Flashlight
Flashlight, I just want to keep buying but then realize I have bills and family to take care But it is fun just learning and getting to know my truck. Can't wait to install the wiring harness and Led lights.
Replace it all If In doubt just replace it. Wheel cylinders are less than $20, brake lines are eazy and brake shoes are cheap. The springs can be got from O'Rileys cheap. The master cylinder ain't cheap but for less than $200 you wont have to worry with it anymore. Good Luck Willard
Cody, the brake issue is #1 priority! You've told us a lot about your truck, but you haven't told us what kind of brake system you have. 350 V8, late model auto trans makes me think that whoever did the "modernization" probably upgraded the brake system also. Tell us about the suspension, brake system etc and maybe we can walk you through possible issues with the brakes. Crawl underneth the truck and look to see if the front end still has leaf springs and a solid front axle, original looking backing plates with brake shoes. Or does it look like it has disc brakes with an independent A-frame type suspension. If you're not sure, take some pics and post them. You've got a darn good looking truck, so don't screw it up by not having a good, reliable braking system. Ken
Great dad! I plan on passing mine down to my daughter... If she wants it. (All those jealous Chevy owners ya know...) Ken beat me to it. Look for disc brakes up front. I'll bet it still has the I-beam and leafs, but what a good time to go ahead and upgrade to disc brakes and a dual master cylinder, huh? More money, more money, more money. But it wouldn't be a bad idea, no? Great looking ride! You have nothing but support here on this site, so ask away!
Brakes Good morning, I tell ya, I love this site. Well I am definitely learning a lot about my truck. I still have leaf springs and original drum brakes. The only ''modernization'' upgrades were the automatic transmission and the 86' 350. Everything else is pretty original. I will do what I can to take some pics. I added some brake fluid yesterday and they feel fine for the mean time. Still not going to take it out. My dad thinks it's somewhere in the brake line on the front left tire. So can someone explain how the original brake system works and what to look for. I ask too many questions at work and Air Traffic Controllers think they know everything (lol) so I get a lot of opinions. I want to do this work myself and I know it's not hard. Just want to make sure I look for the right things. Thanks everyone. Cody One day, I will upgrade to disc brakes I believe.
Look _closely_ My line shot a nice little line of fluid out where it went under the radiator. I didn't know this until I took it out from under all that gunk that builds up on these frames. I'm REALLY glad I decided to take the line free to clean the frame!
Zig, Great idea. I am off on Wednesday and I have so much junk underneath so it looks like I will be getting my power washer and knocking it off. Cody
start with metal paint scrapers, then wire brushes, a wire wheel on an angle grinder, then brake kleener. Put a big piece of cardboard on the floor, as there wil be a LARGE mess to clean up.
That reminds me of when I was about 18, driving my Dad's '53 up to the lake and having the brake pedal go to the floor on the hill leading down into Cache Creek B.C. No worries though. I engine braked the rest of the way, coasted into the first gas station I saw, stopped it by killing the ignition and spliced a new brake line in to replace the corroded one.
Go down to The Wall mart, Yes I sad The Wall Mart cause that's the way they talk up here in the hills where I live and get a gallon of that purple cleaner they have in the automotive section. Put it in a squirt bottle strait (don't dilute it) and spray down the frame. Don't get this stuff on your paint. Let it soak for a few minutes then use your pressure washer to wash it off. It will take everything off your frame including the paint. As far as cleaning a frame go's when you're getting ready to restore and you want to re paint everything, what I do is soak everything down with purple cleaner, pressure wash then what I found that works better than anything and is fast and easy is an 80 grit purl disk on a 4" grinder. This will make your frame look like brand new metal. As far as paint go's I've had good luck with Rustolium red oxide primer and Rustolium semi gloss black thinned down with a little acetone so it will dry fast. On the custom frame's I haven't found anything better than old school Imeron. Here's a pix of my 61 I did with the help of Wally Its wet from the rain but as you can see looks good.
New Led Taillights, but... Here is my 1st LED taillight I put on, but I have a problem with the license plate. It will not fit on bracket because it hits the rear bumper. Is there a way to increase the space or move it somehow? Thanks, Cody 254-319-6644 ( Texts are good too)
License Plate Couple things : You can mount the lamp on the front side of the bed angle or you can invert the entire assembly and have the plate above the lamp and flip the lamp so the lens shines up onto the plate....