Anyone know where I can buy a replacement spring? Our host and many of the other suppliers sell a regulator spring, but it is a flimsy small wire not the correct heavy steel one like shown in the photo. My driver's side one is broken and the window doesn't stay up. Thanks,
count the coils in the relaxed position measure the thickness of the iron used for the spring. it looks very much like the ones on my seventies and 80's ones I have laying around they may work ? but don't quote me. you my have to hook it in a different position like above the bolt on the regulator bracket until you can find or modify a spring good luck
Window regulator adjustment? OK - Since I couldn't find a replacement spring, I bought a re-pop regulator from our Host. After much angst and wishing I had another hand or two, I got it connected up and installed to match the unmolested regulator on the other door, it doesn't raise the window to the top. Are any of you aware of any adjustments? It appears to work smoothly and goes up and down properly, but is 1/2" short of rolling fully up.
Larry, you may have already tried this, but if not...loosen the 4 retainer screws holding the regulator on and the 3 screws holding the arm on. With those screws loose, try rolling the window all the way up. If you are successful doing that, then tighten all 7 screws, and you should be good to go. Look at the 3 holes that attach the control arm mechanism in this picture. Notice that one of them is a round hole, the other 2 are slotted, or elongated. This is how you can make the window go up at least a half inch. Hope that works. Ken
Ken - That's a good catch. I tried that on my second try at re-installing and went from 1-1/2" problem to the 1/2" I seem to be left with.