I need to change the fluids in my transmission and rear end. The previous owner of my truck used Lucas 80w 90 Gear Lube.(several years ago.) Should I use the same or is there something better? With the advancement in oils and synthetics should I consider useing another product?
Oil change If you still use your standard setup i would use as discribed in the truck manual for the 54 ? Kendall 80W-90 is just fine or SAE 90 "Multi- Purpose" lubricant . Fill to level of filler plug in both. Good luck Martinius.
Would it be called "Synthetic gear lube"? Is there a specific brand and weight thats best? Thanks, JW
Increased Mileage Be sure to use the weight in the manual. The synthetic will make it get better gas mileage but not much. If you dont drive it regularly you wont notice it. I got better than 1-mpg increase with Royal Purple. It is more noticeable when you pay for the oil than when you pay for the gas. We can always count on the price of gasoline increasing, so it may be worth while.
Synthetic Gear Lube And it usualy comes in 85W-90 . As long as it's rated for Hypoid gears it'll be fine , really .
Any body also know how to remove the fluid from my 3/4 ton rear end. Looks to me that i have to remove the cover? Does that sound right? I found my filler hole, just no drain. Kinda figured I would have one, but thats what i get for figuring
Rear End Service ALWAYS remove the filler plug first then simply remove the lowest (center) Derby Cover bolt and the nasty stinky old gear oil will come slowly out . Let it drain as long as you can , it'll prolly continue dripping for several hours . I must be old ~ this used to be standard Service Station Pump Jockey knowledge you learned in High School , I guess no one works their way up from the bottom anymore . They should put this basic stuff in the shop manuals . Yes , if you drained it and then discovered the filler plug won't come out , you must needs carefully invert the entire vehicle to re-fill it..... Don't ask ! Field Repairs can be a b*tch
Thanks fella's!!! you guys are too funny too! Will I have a problem sealing back up, when i loosen the bottom few bolts. I have enough drips as it is. That is a great point to why to loosen the filler plug up first. I can just see me finding out the hard way!
Banjo Leaks It is normal for it to be damp , just take a short box end wrench and snug 'em all up a little bit . no need to Gorrilla Grip it tho' . If you ever get a hankerin' to take it all apart (I do not recommend this) you can clean all the sealing surfaces Hospital clean then use a thin bead (3/16") of RTV sealant either with or in place of the paper gaskets to slow the seepage way down . Maybe even stop it , who knows ? . ( ' Banjo ' refers to the typ of rear axle housing that allows the final drive to be removed as one piece)
yeah i don't want to take it apart. the rear end is about the only thing that doesn't drip on this old truck!!! I have the 3/4 ton, so its a regular rear end and drive line, not that torque tube thing
Please To Note That the only two people who know what I was talking about here , are Farm Boys.... " Oh , The Things You'll See " .