Just thought I'd show you some pictures of a plan I have for my GMC. Don't think I've flipped and gone Chevy, it's just a model my dad had that I got to "change" a little. Just imagine what my G will look like painted up this way... I thought I'd see what it looks like with Wide Whites ($$$) verses Cheaper black walls. I guess I like either, in its own way. Okay, what do ya think?
Looks Great! I would put a little red at the bottom too. Maybe black running boards. How abont red on the inner part of that beautiful chevy grill. I forgot the real thing has a pug nose.
Let me carry Willard's theme out a little! Zig, I like it, but I don't love it! I love two-tone concepts, but if I were paying the bills, I'd do more contrasting and complimenting with the red, white and yellow. I really like the hood treatment. I would paint the fenders red as well as the running boards, giving it a layered look of red, white and red. Then, I'd accent with yellow. Tailgate would look awesome white with the inner panel red with "GMC" in yellow. Don't know if you've thought about the seat, but if it were me, I'd go with white leather with a red, white and yellow cloth insert (Mexican blanket comes to mind)! Then, you GOT to get ol chebby to pinstripe that bad boy in ol' skool stripes in red and yellow on the white, white and red on the yellow and yellow and white on the red!! My 2 cents!
I Like It Too ! What I think is : next time you should buy some tape and foo-foo cans for the paint.... Just yanking your chain of course . I'm not liking the yellow wheels but the hood paint looks sharp ~ too bad I'm an old fuddy-duddy who will never unclench enough to have a truck like that More contrast is needed , like the grille detail mentioned .
will you still have the cheifs logo on there? Looks good. Can't wait to come down there and visit and catch up again with ya. Any more progress on your truck?
Thanks for the comments! Ken, the G tailgate will be done the way you said. I might paint the miniature with red fenders just to see. The model is where I need to hammer this out, obviously. Nate, something must be wrong with your eyes! That paint is just as smooth as my butt! Actually, you can't buy car model paint here in town. I'd have to go all the way to Joplin, so I said to heck with it and used some -really-cheap-paint. It was enough to get the jest. Brian, the only thing Chiefs will be the two big a$$ flags that I'll have stuck in the stake pockets come game day! I'd love to drive it to Arrowhead that way... I still need to try red running boards. I'll dink around with it and post some more photos, if I come up with anything creative. As usual, thanks for the input. Can't wait to have time to work on the real thing!!!!
Love it! Looks god Zig! Smart idea using the model to get your scheme together. You gonna paint it yourself?
Thanks, Robert! Ah but of course I will paint it. It won't be show quality by any means, but I'm thinking once I get finished painting it, I will just about have figured out how to avoid all the mistakes. Plus, I'm going to drive it all the time, so if it's not show quality, I won't be afraid to park in parking lots or load it with stuff for the garden or the never ending list of projects I seem to have. But from a distance, it should look pretty cool. And even better with that G mug thing going on!
More to compare~ Okay, so I took my truck to the paint shop and came up with these changes. What do you think?
Zig, scallops are easy to lay out but tricky to make look really graceful and regular. Narrow masking tape is pricey so get regular 3/4" and cut narrow strips off it to practice, practice, practice. The tight curves of the parabolas between the points are very prone to be wavy which looks not good. On regular two-tone schemes curves and angles cover much longer spans so there is more leeway. We have a tilt front 54 in the shop right now that has nicely laid out scallops (not by us) and also a picture of a two-tone so you can see that the scalloping is a bit more exacting. I'd bet your effort will turn out well. Sorry, that 54 is flamed, not scalloped; senior moment I guess but flames also require graceful and regular curves to look nice.
Ok I can't take it no more ! I keep lookin at this truck and all I can think of is make sure you wear your big red curly wig , your big red nose and your size 22 red shoes. Then lode the cab up with 15 little kids dressed the same and go for a ride. BIG SIGH! wooooooh!! Now I feel better. Sorry It had to be at your expense Zig, cause you have always been good to me....BIG TIM
seriously Gotta say in my opinion the scallops are reversed, looks a bit batmobile, try flippin the scallops so the points aim to rear of truck, then when your happy with it................go out an buy a chevy!
What smells funny? ~clowns~ Ok~ Just because I called you "Big James from Tim Town", I get this comment... I love the idea, actually. The only problem is that I could only have two others in the cab with me because they would have to be belted in. (That's the only way they would be able to explain to their friends why they were riding with me. "Dad MADE us ride with him! Seriously!!!") FYI, you're dead on with the shoe size.
Now you tell me... You know me, Brit~ I gotta be different! (Although that is an idea I think I'll have to pursue... I believe I tried drawing that once, but...) Thanks, Brit. I think I'll try that. I must admit, one problem of visualizing is the fact it's painted on a Chevy. We ALL know it will look _MUCH_ better on a GMC!