The weather has been great here as of late and I decided to take advantage of my last week before I head back to work to do a little Crappie fishing. I decided to load the four wheeler so that I could hit some otherwise inaccessible spots. Well I did catch several fish but they were all well under the legal size. Back home I unpacked my gear and when I got ready to unload the four wheeler, I failed to shift it out of drive to reverse and I shattered the back glass! This trip where I bought home no fish cost me $300!!! I'm buying me a trailer!
Mostly fresh fish costs much less in the stores then what a trip costs, but what the heck a trip out in nature is not payable how ever. Adventure and relaxation gives peace in mind. Where did you went on your trip and what kind a fish is there to catch ? Martinius.
Big Bummer! That's not how a day like that is supposed to end! The good news is, you got to go fishing! One of the guys at school came by and was telling me of a fly fishing trip. The first time he used a fly pole and popping bugs. He caught a nine pound bass on one. He even gave me a couple of popping bugs to use with my fly rig. So now my fishing fever is at an all time high, and there aint a dang thing I can do about it, because once again my weekend is full of school and Easter. It is beautiful outside, too!
Hey Robert, did you learn that move from Bill Dance? His blooper tapes are hilarious, including when he was at the edge of a lake on a 4 wheeler and said his goodbyes, hit the gas and drove right into the lake. ("Thought I had it in reverse!")