Sorry for silence but i had a lot of work and now the weather and my new 235 engine is ready. Friday i will change my old 216 with a complete rebuild 235. I will send picture if the work is done. I hope tomorrow evening or late night
Uber den Wolken. Hallo Volker. Wie geht es Ihnen. Wie schön, dass Ihr neues Triebwerk für den Pick-up renoviert wurden. Alles ging gut mit der Änderung der Beschleunigung? Wir hoffen, Sie geben uns mit Fotos zeigen, wie der Motor jetzt aussieht, und wie sie verändert in den Wagen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Martinius.
done Hi bigtimjamestown, Blueflame can write German an English and what you can't understand is German. Now the new engine is in the truck, not running yet - it's evening in Germany but tomorrow is the next day. Pic 1 is the old 216 - running and very clean and the engine can fly....
Translation German/English Hello Volker. How are you. How nice that your new engine for the pick-up have been renovated. Everything went well with the change of acceleration? We hope you give us with photos showing how the engine looks now, and how it changed in the car. Sincerely Martinius.
Zoom-Zoom! Home sweet home! Now throw a dual carb setup on there with a split manifold and away you go! (Right, Big Tim?)
Unexpected learning... I'm thinking that if I follow Flashlight's, Martinius' and Volker's threads enough I'll learn to read German while learning about my truck.
Looking Good ! Wow ; What a clean old Streamliner you have there Volker . You're going to love that 235 .
@Zig Yes, a dual carb setup with split exhaust is the next step but before i will start with this i will drive through the summer. The matching carbs are here and i know Patricks have my dual manifold. The biggest problem is a new exhaust system. I have to find muffler in Germany they sound good enough for my truck and which are cheap enough for fun in my money pocket Come back with report if the truck is running.
@yodaman if you want i can write my posts in german AND in english. It helps to learn Wenn Sie wollen kann ich meine Texte in Deutsch UND Englisch schreiben. Das hilft zu lernen Volker
It's running The engine is running very smooth After the first start i hear a lot of hard noises but the reason was very simple. the oil wasn't into all holes. Next week i will complete all other parts and then i will send more pics. The reason for this operation - noises if i leave from the clutchwith no gears in - is present. I found the noise in the tranny. between the input shaft and the second shaft. Grrr have anyone an idea how can i get a set of gears or a complete tranny (crashbox, 4-speed on the floor or a tranny thats fit between a 235 and a closed driveshaft? Volker Der Motor läuft sehr ruhig. Nach dem ersten Start hörte ich einige laute Geräusche aber der Grund war sehr einfach. Das Öl war nocht nicht in allen Öffnungen. Ich werde den Motor nächste Woche fertigstellen und schicke dann mehr Bilder Der Hauptgrund für den Umbau war ein Geräusch im Getriebe zwischen Eingangswelle und der zweiten Getriebewelle. Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich ein Set der Zahnräder oder ein komplettes Getriebe bekommen kann ? Das Getriebe muss zwischen einen 235 Motor und einen geschlossenen Antrieb passen.
Deine leben ist perfekt, Findst du eine Saginaw 4 gange. Rufst du Patrick's und ankaufst du eine conversion kit. Vorsicht!! Deine fahrtshaft ist eine bissen zu lange und du muss ankaufen eine 1948 oder neuer shaft. Ja, Ja, Ja es ist immer mere arbeit. Flashlight (Dude, can us Amerikanskii's speak the lingo or what!!)
Hi Volker Nate has said no mufflers are needed. For dual outlet on exhaust you will have to visit a muffler/tailpipe shop. So why not have it made without mufflers? If too loud mufflers can be installed before you leave the shop. I have dual glass packs and they are not loud. We are all grown up and not the type to make loud noise at the incorrect place and time, as to create a disturbance. As for a transmission; we all want a T5 tranny from the S-10 chevy. Good Luck Digum
With all due respect to all of you, but could you at least put the English version on this board when you post in another language Please, Thank you very much in advance.
Saginaw 4 speed There are some old threads about this issue Volker. I am going to install the following setup this summer. Saginaw 4 speed with a 2 groves on splines (10 and 27) with 3:11 first gear.Patricks has the needed conversian kit to rebuild it. I have refernces from this forum that it will work very well because it is an bolt in solution. No hecking or modifying is needed. Synchronized 4 speed with a ratio that goed very well together with your engine and the 355:1 rearend you have. Good luck Martinius.
Sorry CCharr, I enjoy a little good natured ribbing we the Germans and Norwegians. I spent quite a few years in Germany during the Cold War and really tried to learn their language and others. By the time I left I could get around Europe pretty well. I realize that it is now 23 years later and I enjoy a little practice. Many Europeans speak at least several languages which is not a bad thing. In my day we learned French, German, Latin or Spanish even in grade school. That's not done anymore, along with Art and Music which are Universal languages. We do a great job welcoming our guests who speak almost perfect English, maybe the Government should be run by Mechanics...Nate for President!!!
We AD mechanics deal with many issues very well. I went to babblefish and had it looked at;Yours live are perfect, Findst you a Saginaw 4 course. You call Patrick' s and you purchase one conversion kits. Caution!! Yours tripful is one bit to for a long time and you must purchase 1948 or new shank. Yes, it is always mere work. Deine leben ist perfekt, Findst du eine Saginaw 4 gange. Rufst du Patrick's und ankaufst du eine conversion kit. Vorsicht!! Deine fahrtshaft ist eine bissen zu lange und du muss ankaufen eine 1948 oder neuer shaft. Ja, Ja, Ja es ist immer mere arbeit.