A 51 at the LeGrave Field in Fort Worth had a decent body and already converted to a V8 open driveline. If that is something in your plans it sure is priced right, he had dropped it from 3k to 2k and told another guy to make an offer cause he didn't want to haul it back home. Naturally I noticed the sheet metal and the only issues were the bottom front of the drivers front fender and an area under the mirror on the drivers side---both repairable. The removed parts were in the box which still had an unrotted floor.
Ken, I was eating some strawberry short cake when I read that, had to stop and clean the monitor. That was just to funny. Thanks
The "gold rush". The wife would screem loud out if i came home with another "junktruck" , but for me this is gold and i never learn anything else and why should i ? I am glad the uppertunety to get these trucks aint here as in your country, temptations are to strong.But this summer my lifechance comes when i am going to visit my cousin in salem OR. I `ll hope he will take me to some marked-places or sales where its possable to buy some more gold. Maybe you guys have some good suggestions where to go in the month july/august? P.S dont tell the wife. A "notoric golddigger".