Well, thanks to your input and the use of a model, I've been able to try out stuff that would be hard to do otherwise. Like so many things about my truck, I'm glad I wasn't financially able to dive in. Plenty of think-before-you-jump time here. Anyway, after fooling around with this, it's come down to these two. Ken, your idea looks better than it sounded! BTW, remember that my truck already had a newly reworked white bench seat. (I couldn't get the brush in the window to paint the one that is in the cab...) Whatcha think about Ken's idea VS my original idea? Big Tim, I know what you think about the original one, so it's down to Ken's.
Tits! Big brother, that is too cool! I thought I did all the possible progressions from point A to B, but I missed this idea completely! (Must have been that dang Chevy "beautiful" mug...) I love it! Is that what you were trying to tell me about way back when?
In the first, take the scallops further into the hood . In the second, take the white further into the side of the hood, instead of stopping right where the fenders begin. Both look great. reminds me of this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwqYh995YhU
Paul looking good, now get that truck finished and come up here and cruise with me!!! but seriously looking great can't wait to see it on your rig, what ever you decide
Ziggy, how cool is this? If and when you get to the point of putting the RED fenders on, how about some custom colored fender welt? Check this out! www.julianos.com/fender_welt.html Awesome! Ken
Thanks again! Well, with all the options, and the added bonus from Ken, I believe I will go with the one that has the all red front, and follow the advice of Russ and bring the white a little further up. The scallops are fun and look cool, but I guess I like the more classy look of the red fenders, red boards, and all red front. Seeing the white and yellow from the sides creeping around the corners of the hood as you look at it "head on" will put that little extra pazazz into it. The red fenders would also go better with chrome wheels, should I ever decide to go that route. Ken, great site on the welting! The yellow would be perfect! (By the way, I really appreciate the thought you put into that new design!) The way I am, I just figured I need all the "class" I can get. 20 years younger, and I'd be all over that design. It combines the best of both worlds. Thanks for all the input, guys. I appreciate it.
Love these planes! Thanks, Russ. If I could fly a plane, that would be the kind I'd have! I love the slightly surreal look of those kinds of planes. I believe it will be the second one done with your suggestion. On the model with the chrome stuff glued to the hood and the size brush I had, it was hard to get that to work, so I short-cut it. Working full scale will help. Thanks for you ideas!
The one Ken posted looks Great. With the GMC grill I would carry the red/white division to the inside corner of the grill. I also like the look where the red is over the white on your 2nd model, Looks like flames. The yellow is bright enough to be a reflective vinyl tape. If you have access to a sign shop they could cut vinyl for you.
Awesome!!!!! Thanks, Russ!!!! A coloring page for my 3rd grade students! But only if they've done all their work. While they're doing their work, I'll be at my desk coloring.
I'm beginning a 2 week project painting a hallway like a rainforest with 3rd graders......should be fun.
Why not? I can just see it now. Those kids can give you some great ideas... The mind of a child i tell you what they are smart and creative!!! Go for it
I'd like to see that! I'm not sure, but I think I'd try brushes or a roller. Third grade students can get a little heavy after a while. I'm sorry, it's my mind... On a serious note: How about posting some pictures of this? That sounds like it could be a fun project! (I KNOW they'll love it!)
Sign in page? Rats~ all I get is the sign in page for the hamb. What was the name of the thread that you're talking about, Robert? BTW, I like your new avatar. Your truck has an awesome stance!
That's tough! Thanks, Robert! Actually, I am a member, but that address just took me to the sign in page. I didn't know where to go from there. That is the paint pattern I've seen on several ADs. That, or where the paint continues straight on the side, around the front of the hood and on to the other side. I was trying for something a bit "different". None the less, that really looks tough! Maybe it's the moon eyes? I love the white with wide whites! (It gave me another idea about how to paint my stock wheels. Thanks again!)