Old subject but looking for confirmation. My left front brake pulls when ever I really hit the brakes. I have read on previous threads this would indicated my right front brake may be the culprit not the left. I did replace the left front cylinder but did not replace the right. I have adjusted them several times. Also I did not realize there was a difference between the brake shoes. If I read the thread right it indicates that longer shoe needs to be on the back of the brake? Is there a better way to identify the primary shoe and the secondary? Thanks for any help. Dave
It could be several things. First check the left side shoes and make sure they are on the correct way. If they are flipped it causes that wheel to lock-up sometimes and squeal during breaking. Usually what ever work you do to one side you should do to the other. If you replaced the wheel cylinder on the left go ahead and do the right. If your hoses are old you might want to replace them. The rubber swells over time and causes the brakes to be weak. Bleed the brakes and lastly check the adjustment.
You might want to check the drums also, if they are too thin it can cause them to get hot and pull. Big Tim
Brake Pull Typically , of the problem is in the front brakes , it'll yank the steering wheel every time you apply the brakes . If the trouble is in the rear , it'll still pull but less abruptly .
Thanks all for the help. Clearly it is my left front brake as when I step on them hard in the sand you can see the imprint of the front left side locking up. I'll reinspect the pads and try an new cylinder on the RH side when I get a moment. Dave.
Brake pull I took a course on friction in engineering school. One thing I really remember is self locking brakes. The larger goes to the rear, if it is placed in the front it can self lock when the brakes are applied. The left front being closer to the master cylinder gets the brake fluid 1st and if the right side is not properly adjusted will need more brake fluid than the left. So the left will grab or pull to the left. If all your parts are good, tighten up the adjustment on the right until it wont turn easy by hand. It just takes a little practice. Without self adjusting brakes you may need to readjust every time you change oil.