how do you determine which is the primary brake pad verses the secondary. My impression is the primary for the front wheels are on the forward part of the brake drum, is that true for both left and right hand side? I have not found any clear pictures in the manuals to clear it up. If you have some it would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave
Dave, on a Bendix set-up, the primary shoe goes in front and the secondary goes in back. The primary has less braking surface, the secondary has more. Same for both sides.
1951 Brake Booklet Not sure what year your workin on, but this is for a 1951.
thanks all. the attachment is great. I did read the manual and did read the installation section but did not find it very clear. This helps. Quite a few threads on this that helped as well. Dave
Brake Shoes Dave ; If you're working on a Huck brake setup , the one where the shoes are attached to pins at the bottom of the brake plate , it is imperative that both shoes have the longest friction materiel that can be fitted ~ the reliner may not understand this but you'll have better braking then as Huck (rhymes with suck) Brakes have NO LEADING SHOE .
Brake update Went through my brakes again and found the shoes on correctly, installed the new cylinder in the RH side so now both wheels have new cylinders and bled them. Since I am a one man band I had to us the trick of holding the brake pedal down with a two by four over nite. It worked well, only I forgot to disconnect the battery and it drained it. I got that squared away and my brake problems are corrected finally. Almost ready for registration. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to all for your help. Dave
awesome!!! post some pics of you on the road with it. i will be doing the same soon too!!! its a great feeling isn't it